Chapter | 9

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 “Come on Em” Jack awkwardly leant into the taxi, handing the driver a fifty and scooped her up from the back seat where she had been slipping in and out of consciousness. He held up his promise, she was very, very drunk.

“You’re Jack” She slurred, her arms weakly going around his neck as he cradled her against him to the front door.

“I am” He laughed, her eyes lazily opening but unable to focus on him she kept them closed as her head dropped back over his arm.

“I like Jack”

“I’m glad you do Em” He carefully set her down so she was half standing, half leaning against him between the corner of the wall and door as he found her keys in her purse and opened the front door. “Can you walk in or need some help?”

“I can walk just fine buddy” Well that’s what she thought she said but all he understood was walk. Emily stepped forward towards the door, her legs like jelly as her feet were aching in the high heels and seeing what was about to happen, Jack caught her before she fell and picked her up.

“Thank you” She hiccupped, running her hand along the corridor wall as he took her to her room. The wall was so smooth, it was amazing really and her random burst of laughter amused him immensely.

Jack sat her on the bed, ignoring the way she swayed as if she were on the high seas and pulled off her shoes before turning her to lay on the bed. “Stay here ok, I’m going to go get you some water”

The mumble that resulted made no sense and shaking his head amused, he disappeared into the kitchen. Finding a large plastic cup he quickly filled it and headed back to into her room, almost dropping the water as he took in the sight in front of him upon his return. Emily stood practically naked; the red dress was in a heap at her feet as she combed her fingers through her hair that had been pulled over one shoulder.  The dim lamp light had her skin looking like porcelain which contrasted with the black lace underwear that didn’t leave anything to his imagination. Swallowing hard he couldn’t bring himself to move and as she turned to look at him over her shoulder, her green eyes were bright with mischief. Neither moved, it was as if she was waiting for him but as much as he wanted nothing more than to become familiar with every inch of her he knew it couldn’t be like this.

“I got you some water” His voice was chesty, revealing the internal battle being logic and his hormones. As he coughed to try and clear his throat a tiny smile appeared on her lips, mocking him further. Things were a little hazy to Emily right now, but one thing she was certain of was she needed the confidence boost of alcohol to make her move. She could tell from his tense stance she was having the desired effect on him, his pupils were fully dilated and his breaths were a struggle.

Emily turned to face him and in doing so lost all inhibitions that would have previously held her back and coyly stepped forward, leaving the dress behind. Amazingly she didn’t stumble, trying to work out why the ground was so uneven in her room and reached forward to take the water and as she spoke her voice was like honey. She had managed to get some kind of clarity back, making talking a chore but possible and kept it simple.

“Thank you” Bringing the cup to her lips she looked up at him through velvety lashes, still heavily coated in a layer of mascara and as she drank the cold drink she saw Jack swallow hard.

He was in trouble; Jack knew it with every inch closer she came. “Let’s get you to bed”

Jack cringed at his choice of words, not meaning it in the context it came out. Spying her pajamas on the corner of the bed he moved past her, ignoring the confused look on her face as he held up the clothing. Rejection washed over Emily, crushing her hopes of how the night would be ending and feeling more embarrassed than anything else turned to snatch them from him. But the uneven ground won out with her shaky legs and again Jack caught her mid fall as he savored the feel of her bare skin against him, wishing he was as exposed as her.

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