Chapter | 7

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 Sitting on the bench by the arrival gate, Emily nervously picked at the hem of her denim shorts while her knee bobbed up and down, causing the buckle on her wedges to jingle. Today was the day. It was time. People passed by her unaware of the massive change that was about to occur within her life. No one knew she was feeling sick with nerves or that she bit her lip a little to hard in preparation for the pain she knew she was going to filled with.

Maybe it wasn’t the right thing, if it was would she feel like this?

“Are you ok Ariel?” The little girl that had been standing with her mother just to the side of where Emily was sitting wandered over and climbed up onto the bench beside her. “I’m Melissa” The tiny hand was extended to Emily and she carefully shook her as it leg stopped bouncing and a curious smile appeared on her face as the large brown eyes looked at her worried.

“I’m fine thank you Melissa” Emily glanced down at her t-shirt, realising she had a vintage The Little Mermaid top on she had picked up during the week in an op-shop. No wonder Melissa had called her Ariel.

“Then why do you look so sad. Do you miss the ocean?” The girl’s mother kept her daughter in sight, making sure she wasn’t bothering the red head she had gone and sat beside.

“Well, that is part of it. I am waiting for my Prince to come back from being away on his royal duties” Melissa’s face lit up at the mention of a Prince yet it only made Emily feel worse. “But ssh! No one must know he is a Prince!”

“I promise I won’t tell anyone!” The girl’s mother appeared and extended her arms, lifting her up from the chair as people started to pour into the terminal.

“Sorry” The woman mouthed but Emily only waved, dismissing it and looked for Greg fully aware of the little girl still watching her. Sure enough he came through towards the back of the crowd, his phone already in his hand he barely glanced up to see her.

“Hey” Emily wasn’t sure if she should hug him, kiss him or shake hands but he didn’t stop long enough for it to be an issue.

“Hey babe” He kept on towards the baggage pickup and she followed behind, catching a glimpse of the pout now on Melissa’s face. It was clearly not what she was expecting from her Disney heroes. “Why is that kid staring at us?”

“She thinks we’re Ariel and Prince Eric” Emily laughed and looked back to see Melissa still looking at them.

“Why does she think that I wonder?” Greg rolled his eyes and grabbed his bag, taking her hand in his they headed towards the car park. Disappointment fought against her nerves as they were silent on the way to the car and as Emily hit the freeway Greg finally spoke.

“I think we should move to Sydney”

“What?” Emily braked hard as she became distracted from the car in front of her and now stopped at the traffic lights, turned to look at him in complete shock. She knew that tone, it wasn't a suggestion or something she would be required to answer as his mind was made up.

“I’ve been offered a job over there. I think it will be a great opportunity for me. I was thinking we could go there this weekend to find a house and ….” Emily turned back to the road unable to listen to what he was saying. Greg had it all worked out, it was a great move for them and glancing over he could tell she wasn’t listening. “Emily”


“I’m serious about this” He moved his hand to rest on her knee, and her frown only deepened.

“I know but Greg. Sydney? I have work and all our friends and family are here” She didn’t like where this could do. She wanted to sit and talk with him about ending things and not already have him defensive.

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