Murder House (Evan)

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Present Day

Living in LA isn't what everyone makes it seem. Well, I guess living here really turns down the cool factor for a person; because for tourists, it's like they've died and gone to heaven.

I've seen and done it all there is to be done here in LA. I've seen the Hollywood Walk of Fame, gone to famous beaches such as Santa Monica and Venice, I've walked around Beverly Hills, I've even seen the Hollywood sign. Hell, I even touched the sign. The hike up the mountain to the sign was literal hell on earth.

But one thing I haven't done is visit the notorious Murder House. Well, at least that's what the fans of American Horror Story call it.

I always wanted to go but I was always discouraged because I didn't want to disturb the family that really lived in the home. But today was my lucky day. The home is up for sale which means it's vacant.

As I'm driving down the street, I keep my eyes peeled for the house.

I finally see it the house, which was pretty easy considering there was a bunch of brightly colored balloons tied to a sign on the front lawn that read "Open House Today! Walk-ins welcomed!"

Today couldn't have been better! All I wanted was to see the house, but now I'll actually get to step foot in it too!

As I parked my car at the curb in front of the house, I noticed that not many people were here.

Well of course. Not everyone has a couple million dollars laying around to buy the house.

Stepping out of my car, closing the door, I noticed a car come in and park right behind mine, a Mercedes to be exact.

One day, I will have enough money to buy myself something nice like that car.

Ignoring the car, and the person stepping out of the car, I walk up the walkway and past the open front door.

Looking around, I noticed that everything looked exactly like it did in American Horror Story, with the exception of modernized funiture.

A blonde petite woman stepped out of what I assumed to be the study area and into the living room where I was "Welcome! Are you both here for the open house?" She asked as she flashed a welcoming smile.


I looked behind me noticing a man with medium brown curly hair that brushed past the top of his ears and covered his entire forehead. His eyes also brown, but darker than his hair. He was tall; if I had to guess, I'd say 5'10. He looked at me and smiled, showing me his perfectly white teeth and cute dimpled cheeks. He looked past me to the blonde woman.

"Yes we are here for the open house." He responded back. His voice deep but not too deep.

"Wonderful! Well, the house was built in 1908. All the original--" I blocked off the realtor as I was starstruck. The man standing right in front of me, the man I'm looking at with my two eyes, the man I've seen only on tv, the man I've dreamed of meeting was standing less than 5 feet away from me. Evan freaking Peters. In the flesh.

Evan looked back down at me and smirked. He pointed to the realtor and then tapped his right ear, asking me if I'm listening. I blink a couple of time and look back to the realtor, blushing like mad.

Holy shit.

After taking the most embarrassing tour, for me at least, of my life, I grabbed a flyer of the house with the realtor's information to make it seem like as if I'm intrested in buying the house.

"Thank you so much for the tour. The house is absolutely beautiful! I'll give you a call if I decided to make an offer." I managed to tell the realtor, trying to sound calm, cool, and collect.

"It's no problem at all! I hope both of you have a great rest of the day!" She responded back kindly.

"Thank you. You too!" Responded back Evan.

I wish I was as calm as him right now. My heart is racing so fast I think I might collapse.

Both Evan and I walked out of the house, me being ahead of him.

"So, you're thinking of buying the famous Murder House, huh?" I head Evan's deep voice behind me.

I stop and turn around to face him. "I don't think my bank will let me pull out a loan for 3.2 million dollars to buy it. I just came by because I was curious." I responded back, surprising myself with how calm I sounded.

Evan ducked his head down and chuckled. "I'm with you on that. I can't afford it either."

"But you're Evan Peters!" I said before I could even stop myself

Oh my god. How embarrassing!

I looked away, bitting my bottom lip as I heard him belt out a laugh.

"That I am." He responded back. "So, you know my name. How about we go get some coffee so I can get to know you and your name?"

I quickly looked up at Evan almost scared that I could have snapped my neck with how quickly I turned.

My eyes widen as I nodded seeing as how I was practically paralyzed from shock and excitement.

"Awesome! Just follow me with your car there. It's not far from here." He smiled as he walked past me to get into his car.

Okay. Don't scare him off. Act natural. This isn't the first celebrity I've met before.

I snapped out of my daze and walked back to my car.

I may have seen it all in LA, more than once, no less, but for the first time in a long time, I didn't dread living in LA.

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