No Need To Cry Over Spilled Coffee (Evan)

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There was this hill that not many people knew about because it was covered by the leaves of the surrounded willow trees. It overlooked the busy city life of Los Angeles on one side and the nice and tranquil life that consisted of lush green mountains and trees on the other. It was my favorite place to go ever since day one.

Today was no other day. I had just gotten off of work and I wanted to relax since today is Friday. When I got off of work, I went to Starbucks and got myself my favorite drink. I neared the opening of the hidden hill and parked my car. Grabbing my drink, I got out of the car, locking it, and started my small hike up the hill.

Five minutes later, I approached the willow trees. I pushed away the hanging leaves and made my way past them. I took my usual seat on the plush green grass viewing the beautiful landscape of the mountains.

After a few peaceful moments, I heard the cracking of leaves being stepped on behind me. I look over my shoulders and wait for whoever to walk past the willow leaves.

The leaves pull to one side just as someone ducks under them to walk through. The man, dark brown curly haired that went right up to his ears, looked around until he spotted me. His deep brown eyes seemed to widen when he saw me.

"I, uh, I saw you at Starbucks earlier and I wanted to say hi. God, that sounded really creepy. I swear I'm not a stalker. You know what, never mind. I'll just leave. I'm sorry." He said. His voice deep and unsure sounding.

I quickly got up and walked over to him, grabbing his wrist. "Don't go. I'm not creeped out." I spoke, smiling.

The man quickly turned around as if not believing what he heard. As he turned, his arm bumped into my hand that was still holding my hot coffee which made me spill it on my chest

"Shit!" Both of us exclaimed at the same time.

I dropped the cup to the ground and quickly took off my cardigan hoping to somewhat ease the pain.

"I'm so sorry. I swear I didn't mean to do that! God I should have just left you alone. I'm so sorry! Are you okay? Do you want me to take you to the ER?" The man's voice sounded worried as he spoke quickly.

"No. No, I'm fine. Really. It's okay. I'll be okay. It still burns but it's not that bad." I responded back trying to sound calm as to not worry him even more.

"I'm so sorry. I really am! Here! Take my sweater. Changed into that so it doesn't hurt anymore." He said and he took off his hoodie handing it to me.

I looked up at the man, his eyes pleading for me to take it. I grabbed it and turned around taking my shirt off and slipping on his hoodie. Immediately, I felt relief wash over me as the burning and uncomfortable wetness stopped.

I turned around to face the man and noticed his back was facing me.

"I'm decent now." I said.

The man turned around, his eyes still looked sad and worried. I smiled up at him, "thank you. For the hoodie."

"Please, don't thank me. I only hurt you. I'm so sorry, by the way. I shouldn't have come here." He began rambling.

"Hey. Stop. It's okay, I swear. I'll live. Don't beat yourself up about it." I said still smiling.

"I, uh, I'm Evan, by the way. I just ruined every chance I had to get to know you. I'll uh, I'll leave. You can keep the hoodie. I'm sorry." He said as he turned around to walk away.

I grabbed his wrist again, stopping him from leaving. "You didn't ruin anything. It's nice to meet you Evan. Want to sit with me and talk? Also, I can't possibly keep this hoodie, even if it's probably the most comfortable sweater I've ever worn." I joked trying to lighten the mood.

Evan looked at me shocked. I nodded towards where I was sitting. Evan nodded his head yes and walked with me to take a seat.

"Why are you giving me the time of day when I screwed up this bad?" Evan asked.

"Because you were nervous. Sure it wasn't the best first impression but it was kind of cute." I chuckled as I looked up at him.

"You think me spilling boiling hot coffee on you is cute?" He asked surprised.

"Well, before that. I don't think you're a stalker, by the way. I didn't get that vibe. Besides, you seem too sweet to be a creep." I replied.

He nodded, "I didn't get your name."

"Oh, I'm sorry. I'm y/n. It's a pleasure to meet you Evan." I responded back holding out my right hand for him to shake.

"It's a pleasure to meet you too, y/n." Evan responded while smiling, showing off his incredibly cute dimples on his cheeks.

"You know, you have a beautiful smile. You should do that more often." I pointed out.

Evan blushed and smiled wide while ducking down, trying to hide his blushed cheeks.

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