You're Humans (Jimmy)

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I watched the rain hit the glass of the small local diner I'm in; having myself some coffee to warm me up. I was completely mesmerized with the sight when I heard the door open. I didn't care who came in, I just loved the smell of rain.

I closed my eyes, took in a deep breath and smiled. I was finally able to truly relax. I had just gotten off of work dealing with rude customers and more often than not, inappropriate flirtations. I opened my eyes and went back to looking out the window until I heard a woman speak up.

"Excuse me, can you and... your people... go else where? You're disturbing my daughter?" She said angrily.

I looked towards the woman to see her looking towards a group sitting at the counter.

There was a woman who was as tall as the inside of the diner, man who had short arms, another woman who only had a torso, and a man who had his fingered fused together to make it look like lobster claws.

The man with the fused fingers spoke up, sounding confident, "maybe you and your daughter should mind your business. We're not doing anything. We're just hungry and want to get something to eat."

A waitress came up to the group and spoke up nervously, "I-I'm sorry. I'm gu-gunna have to ask you and your group t-to leave."

"But we're paying customers and we're hungry. We just want to eat. Nothing else." The tall woman of the group spoke up in a more kind tone.

"The lady asked you freaks to leave. So do as she says and leave." A man who was a customer spoke up angrily.

I had enough. They were not freaks! Just different.

"Hey. You leave them alone. They ain't causing any harm to nobody. Let them get their food in peace and they'll leave." I said pointing to the woman who first spoke up and to the waitress.

"As for you asshole, just because they're different, don't mean they're freaks. They're humans just like you and me. Only difference is that I'm a decent human where as you're a good for nothing jerk." I responded more angrily to the man.

"That's it. You, freaks, and you little lady, out! Now or I'm calling the police! You're disturbing my customers." A man's voice boomed from the back of the diner.

I got up from my seat grabbing my coffee and walking towards the manager.

"You coffee isn't even that good." I said as I threw the piping hot coffee to his chest.

I heard the manager's screams of pain as I was walking out. I looked towards the group and saw them staring at me in aw. I walked passed them and out the door towards my car.

"Hey, wait!" A voice cried out to me.

I looked behind me and saw the man with the fused fingers run towards me. I sent him a polite smile.

"Why'd you do that?" He asked once he reached me.

"I just followed that saying. 'Treat others the way you want to be treated.' Since he was treating you and your friends like shit, I thought that's how he wanted to be treated." I responded back nonchalantly. "Besides, you guys don't deserve to be treated like that. You guys may look different, but here," I said pointing to his chest where his heart is, "is where we are the same and what should count."

"You sure are something, you know? My name is Jimmy. Jimmy Darling." He responded as he held out his hand for me to shake.

When he realized what he'd done, he quickly put his hand down at his side and tried coving up his hands.

I smiled and grabbed his hand to shake it. "I don't care about your hands Jimmy. It's not an infectious virus. Besides, you're a great and beautiful man. I'm honored to meet you."

Jimmy's cheeks flushed a light pink at my compliment.

"Naw, I should be saying it's an honor to meet you! You're an actual angel. You're kind hearted and not to mention, you have the beauty of one too!" Jimmy spoke quietly seeming nervous.

I smiled wide, "thank you, Jimmy."

"Is my pleasure, ma'am. I, uh, have to go, but I want to see more of you, that is if you want to see more of me too! I'm at the freak show just a couple miles down. Please, I'd love it if you stopped by one day." Jimmy said trying to sound more confident.

I looked up into Jimmy's beautiful deep brown eyes and smiled. "Of course I'd love to see more of you! I'd also like to have a chance to talk with your friends. They seem like great people!" I nodded over towards his friends who were standing by the road.

Jimmy looked behind him to look at his friends and smiled. "They just met you and they already love you. I'm sure they'd appreciate you coming over one day."

"How about tomorrow. After I'm off of work at 3. Is that okay?" I asked.

"That sounds perfect!"

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