After Sex Cuddles (Kit)

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Kit and I not only had some amazingly mind blowing sex, we made love. We showed the other how much we truly love each other. That after everything, with the whole Kit being locked up thing, my feelings for him have not changed; and his for me haven't either.

Currently, Kit and I were naked, tangled within the bedsheets and one another's limbs. I had my head resting on his chest; just peacefully listening to his heart beat and having the feel of his chest rising and falling as he breathed. Kit's left arm was wrapped tightly around my waist; just slightly above my butt, while his right hand was lightly brushing up and down my back, right where my spine is.

"The only thing that kept me sane while I was in there was the thought of having you in my arms again. Our skins pressed against each other. Your warmth." Kit confessed in a whispered tone.

I moved my head up to look at him. I watched as he pulled his right hand away from my back to bring his lit cigarette up to his lips for a puff. He blew out the smoke, away from me, and looked down at me.

God, I missed him and his stupid habbit.

I smiled wide and leaned up to kiss his jaw. "I love you, Kit Walker."

He returned the smile, showing off his dimpled cheeks; one of my many favorite things about Kit. He leaned over me towards the ash tray on our nightstand to burn out the cigarette. He repositioned me by pulling me up so we were face to face. He brought his face close to mine; resting his forehead against mine with the tip of our noses touching, both of us looking each other in the eyes. His right hand now playing with my hair on the back of my head while the left hand was still tightly wrapped around me.

"I love you, Mrs. Walker."

AN: I found the imagine that inspired me to write this one shot on tumblr from the user

(I fucking hate it when people put ANs but this one was necessary because gotta give credit where it's due.)

Evan Peters ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now