Chapter 2 : Befriending The New Boys.

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MBBG Book 1 : The Bad Boys Taught Me,chapter 2.

You'll make some great memories when you step out of your comfort zone.~T.Francis


It was now lunch time at school so I decided to start my mission, "Melting Popsicles".

It was the best I could come up with.

I head to the school parking lot to look for the "hot new boys", I mean, they said they were bad, so where else would bad boys be ? As I reach the parking lot I notice a new car parked right next to Tianna's BMW. It was an Audi and the latest one at that. Like damn, that's so cool.....It must belong to one of the new kids. Where could they be ? I haven't seen them all day. It's also their first day of school and I haven't been graced with their presence. "Ha ha ha ha ha", I laugh. It's even sounds desperate in my head. I swear, high five to you Tianna....I don't know how you do it.

"Find something funny shorty ?", a deep and kinda hot voice says.

"Huh ?",I turn around to see this really attractive guy standing behind woah.

He's tall, about 6'2, has dark hair, and amazing brown eyes. He also was wearing knee-ripped skinning jeans, a black t-shirt, black combat boots and a leather jacket, over his obviously toned body.
I'll admit, he was pretty hot.

"Find something you like ?", he asked.

"Excuse you ?", I say, trying to defend myself when I knew there was no point, he already caught me checking him out.

Why did I have to mess it up already with the new guys ? Now he's gonna think I'm desperate, like Chutni or Reaghan. Oh man.

"Did I stutter, shorty ?", he asked.

"Did I ?", I retorted.

"I see you have an attitude. That's cute. Although you might wanna drop it.....real quick.", he countered.

"I see you're an asshole. You might wanna go and get that wiped,real quick." I fired.

" I like you." , He said as he chuckled at my insult.

"Huh ?" , I answered honestly confused. Weren't we arguing like literally 5 seconds ago ?

"You've got fire, I don't see that in a lot of girls these days. You can handle yourself too. Most girls these days are pretty dependent."

"Oh." , I say not knowing how to continue the conversation.

"So what are you doing out here all by yourself, shorty ?"

" I have a name, for your information, and what I'm doing out here is none of your business actually."

"Ok. What is your name ?" , he asks as he chuckles lightly to my earlier comment.

"Is it gonna save your life ?",I ask.

"Huh ? Your name ? I guess not",he says confused as to why I would ask such a question.

"Then guess what ?", I ask.

"What ?" , he replies,still as clueless as Cher.

"You don't need to know it." , I say as I turn to walk away from the crime scene.

"That's how you're gonna play shorty ?",He shouts as I walk away from him.

"What does it look like to yah ?", I respond.

I make my way back into the school and see that lunch isn't over yet, so I head to the library.

I wouldn't classify myself as a "nerd" but other people do, so it's whatever.

As I enter the library I'm greeted by Mrs. Johnson, my only friend at school, sad, I know. This woman is amazing. She would make me hide out my bullies in here sometimes when it got too rough for me to handle on my own.

"Hey, Mrs. J." , I greet her.

"Well hello , Lia", she responds.

"Here for some new books.", I say.

"That's if you haven't finished them all. You know your way around here, dear. Help yourself.", she replies.

I nod and head off into the isles to find some new books to finish off the year.

I have my own spot in the library, somewhere that no one knows about, it's where Mrs. J would hide me.

As I'm walking to my spot I couldn't help but notice a strange boy in the back of the library,in my spot !

I was furious! I mean,how could I not be ? It was MY spot after all.

"What are you doing back here ?" , I whispered harshly at the strange kid.

"What ?",he replies as he looks up, catching me off guard with beautiful green eyes.

He was hot, I thought as I took in all his features. He had brown hair with dark roots, strong jawline, and I couldn't help but notice his toned body as he got up. He upper body was clad in a leather jacket with a white shirt underneath, he wore dark skinny jeans and a pair of black converse. Definitely hot, and he was one of the new kids. Damn.

"Are you deaf ?", I reply after totally checking him out.

"Uhm,only in my left ear." , he replies looking completely hurt by my statement.

" oh my god, I'm so sorry ! I didn't mean to,I didn't kno-"
I was cut off by the sound of laughter. From him.

"Ha ha should have seen your face.....oh god....ha ha", he sobers up.

"Are you freaking kidding me ?",I whisper shout.

"I'm sorry, but you kinda deserved it. I mean,that's no way to treat a poor, innocent, new kid. Now is it ?"

I gritted my teeth in anger, "You know what you're not even worth it."

"Oh come on,I said I was sorry. What more do you want ?", he asked.

"Uhm,how about you die ?", I answered.

" And leave a pretty girl like you all by herself ? No way. ", he says.

I couldn't help but smile. No boy has ever called me pretty before and coming from someone as attractive as he is, it was saying a lot.

"Is that a smile I see ? My names Keanon by the way." , he says as he stretches out his hand toward me.

"I'm Athalia. But call me Lia", I respond.

"Cool", he says just as the bell starts ringing, signaling the start of our next classes. I jump up quickly and start rushing out of the library.

"Hey ! Can I have your number ?", Keanon shouts.

"Hmm.. Will it save your life ?" I respond.

"No, I don't think s-, wait what ?",he asks confused.

"Then you don't need it !", I hollered , as I made my way to Math class.

What a day.

My Bad Boy Gang:The Bad Boys Taught MeWhere stories live. Discover now