Chapter 7 : The L7.

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The guys looked at a loss for words.

I'm sorry but I had to ask. I couldn't be walking around with street dancers without knowing it, now could I ?

They all stared at each other. Communicating with their eyes. "Well ?", I said.

"Cupcake, I think this is something we should talk about at your house.",said Parker.

I was cool with that,I guess. The bell rang signaling the start of our next class. "Fine, but don't try to escape it. If so, I'll keep asking.",I said. The boys nodded their heads as we all parted ways and headed to our next classes. 

School is finally over.

I head to the parking lot and see the boys standing outside the car. As they see me approaching they signal for me to get in the back. We all get in the car with me in Aiden's lap.

We take off and start heading to my house. The car ride there is really silent. I think it's because we're all anticipating the conversation that we are about to have.

We pull up to my house and I immediately jump out, rushing to my front door and using my key to unlock it. My parents were both at work today. My dad's a lawyer and my mom is a marine biologist.

Cool,I know.

I want to be a marine biologist when I grow up. I was always inspired by my mom.

The boys walk inside the house and we all start heading to my room.

We all plop down on my bed and it's really quiet. So I decide to speak up, as usual. "So, are you going to tell me what the L7 is ?",I asked impatiently.

I heard Xavi sigh. "Ok. I'm asking you to please stay open minded and don't overreact.",said Xavi.

"Fine, whatever.",I replied rudely.

"Watch that attitude with me.",Xavi barked. I won't lie, he scared me a little. Of course I wasn't going to give him the pleasure of knowing that.

"Whatever. Just start talking.", I say dismissing the earlier conversation.

"Ok so, the L7 stands for the Latin 7. It's a gang. We don't deal drugs or anything but we always find ourselves in some trouble. So much trouble that basically everyone knows about us. It's not intentional. It's just that we don't back down from a fight. Ever. We don't think you have anything to worry about, like anyone harming you or anything. I just want you to know though, that this is no game. We are involved with some very bad people. There are guns in our lifestyle.",said Parker dead serious. 

I started laughing hysterically. "You guys got me. That was so good.",I said only to see that they weren't laughing along.

"We are not kidding Athalia, this is some serious crap.",said Keanon.

It took a second for me to process all of this and when I finally did ,I didn't know what to say. I was so upset. Why would you get me involved in your dangerous life ?!?! I wanted to scream at them. I couldn't. This just broke my heart.

"Get out.", I whispered. They all looked shocked and sad at the same time.

Maybe I wasn't meant to have any friends.

The one time I make some friends they turn out to be gangsters.

I can't do this anymore.

I'm so done with life and constantly being disappointed. "Lia, don't do this. Think this through.",said Keanon pleadingly.

I was too pissed at them. "I said get the hell out !! What part of that don't you understand ?!? You are endangering my life and then you have the nerve to say you don't think anything bad will happen to me !! What is wrong with you ?!? You should have just left me out of your bull ! You've seen what I have to go through at school. What would make you think I could handle more on-top of that ?!? You are so selfish ! You made me get attached to you ! Why would you do that to me ?!?", I screamed falling to the ground while tears streamed down my face.

The boys looked ashamed of themselves. I almost felt guilty. Almost.

They deserve it.

How could they do this to me ? I thought they were my friends.

I saw Nyjah approaching me in attempt to calm me down. I won't stand for it.

"If you come any closer, so help me god, I will smack the hell out of you .", my heart fell as I said those cruel words to Nyjah, he was such a sweetheart. Not now though.

The look on his face broke my heart. He looked even more broken than I was. That tore me.

"Just get out. Please. Don't make this any harder than it already is.", I cried.

"We'll go, but we really are sorry. If you need us just call us. We'll always be here for you, bab-",Xavi was cut off by me.

"Don't. Just go.",I pleaded. It felt the worst dismissing Xavi. I don't know why, but I always felt as if I was supposed to save him from something.

Stupid, I know.

They didn't move. I took up a book that was on my nightstand and threw it in their direction,"Get the hell out of my house !", I cried.

Xavi caught the book and rested it on my desk before they all turned around and slowly started walking out of my room. As soon as I heard my front door close I immediately rested my head on my knees and cried the hardest I ever have in a really long time.

This hurts really badly . Why can't my life be normal ? Don't I deserve happiness? I guess not . I can't do this anymore. It hurts too much.

*2 hours later*

I'm now physically and emotionally drained. I can't cry anymore. I don't have the energy. My head is pounding. My throat hurts so bad. I'm just over it. I can't believe I thought I actually made some good friends. It even sounds funny to think about it. I'm so naive.

Stupid girl.

I'm really exhausted. As I lay my head on the pillow and get ready to go to bed, one thought crosses my mind.

So much for having friends.

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