Chapter 21 : Scandalous

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MBBG Book 1 : The Bad Boys Taught Me

Chapter 21 - Scandalous

I hated this place. Everyone was always so loud,chatting away with their friends about unnecessary drama and discussing upcoming events at our school.

I was currently sitting in the cafeteria with the boys whilst people went around chatting about some video. The boys and I didn't have much interest in what they were talking about seeing as we didn't really mingle with people outside of our group. Tianna was the only one who we spoke to and that was outside of school.

"Did you guys hear about that video going around ?",Parker asks taking a bite of his burger.

"Well I heard but I don't know what it's about.",Keanon says finishing his lunch.

"I heard some kids talking about it in my first period. Based on what they've got to say,I don't think that video is PG.",Aiden chuckles.

"What do you mean ?",I ask.

"I mean,it's a sex tape.",Aiden confirms.

I choke on my drink. "What ?",I ask shocked.

"Yeah.",he laughs.

"With kids from our school ?",I ask both shocked and concerned. I can't believe how uncomfortable this must be for the kids in the video.

"Yeah. I haven't heard who's in it though but that'll start spreading eventually. Too bad I don't care.",Aiden says shrugging.

I felt bad for those students,whoever they are. They'll get suspended for this,no doubt. The torment they'll be put through is unimaginable.

"Have you guys heard from Tianna ?",I ask changing the subject.

"She hasn't texted me since yesterday.",Aiden says looking slightly worried.

"Why do you look so worried,Aiden ?",Xavi smirks at his friend from across the table.

"Me ? Worried ? Pffft.",Aiden dismisses blushing deeply.

"What's going on with you guys ? Are you guys dating ?",Blaze asks with a loud chuckle at the end.

"No. We're just friends.",Aiden says a little too quickly.

We all smirk at each other knowingly.

"Sure,Aiden.",I say smiling.

It was obvious that Aiden and Tianna had something going on. They hung out a lot in the last few weeks and if we asked any of them about the other,they would blush and dismiss our questions. I wasn't gonna pressure them into telling me anything,they'll open up eventually.

The bell rang after we chatted a bit more.  We all went to our separate classes.

I walked into my chemistry class expecting to see Tianna sitting in her usual seat but she wasn't there. No one's heard from her and now she's missing classes. That's not like her at all.

After class ended,I went through the rest of the day without seeing any of the boys. That was odd.

I wait in the parking lot by Xavi's car for the boys to come outside.

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