Chapter 10 : Tell me this is not happening......

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I stare at the name at the top of my screen for what seems like hours.

I can't believe this.

My mom makes her way down the stairs smiling. "Hey,Lia. How was your day ?",she asks.

Only, I can't answer. I'm trying to, I really am....but my body starts doing things beyond my control. My eyes start to water and by breathing rises aggressively.

My mom, noticing the changes in my behavior,rushes down the stairs. "Lia, honey. What's wrong ? Speak to me,sweetheart.",she commands soothingly. Without the control or strength to answer a powerful sob rakes through my body.

"Mommy.",I cry as I hold on to her for dear life.

"Shh, baby. It's going to be okay.",she tries to calm me down. If she only knew the situation.
My body starts shaking slightly from lack of oxygen.

"I can't breathe !", I shout whilst crying. Panic washes over my mother.

"Try to calm down for me please, Athalia.",she begs as tears of her own start flowing.

It broke my heart to see my mother like this. Especially since it was my fault. I'm trying to calm down but I just can't. I'm too scared and frightened.

"I can't mom. I can't breathe.",I say barely above a whisper. My head is getting really dizzy from the lack of oxygen.

My mom reaches into her pocket for her phone and hurriedly dials a number,probably my dad.

"David.",she says sobbing. "It's Athalia, she's having trouble breathing. You need to meet us at the hospital.",she says hurriedly as she carries me to her Range Rover. "Ok. I'll see you then, I love you.",she finishes as she puts me into the passenger seat.

I rest my head on the back of the seat as my mom comes around and gets in. She starts the car and reverses out of the driveway. My mom is still crying at the condition I'm in.
I understand. I was sweating profusely,wheezing and my eyelids were very heavy. What mother wants to see her child in that condition ?

I could see my mom every now and then glancing in my direction,causing more tears to flow from her eyes as she took in my state. It broke me to see my mom like this.

I was still having a hard time breathing and I think it's catching up to me a lot now.

A horrible headache brews. I start whimpering. Black spots start to cloud my vision as my air supply cuts off completely. "Lia !", is all I hear my mom scream before I'm comforted by a blanket of darkness.

My head is throbbing in pain. I start thrashing around on the comfy surface below my body. My eyes slowly start to open. I was in my bedroom..... The memories of earlier today suddenly washed over me like a bucket of cold water. I look to my bedside table to see a bottle of pills. They read,'Anti-depressants'. Depressants. I look down at my wrist to see a hospital band wrapped firmly against my wrist. Oh no.

My mom is probably heartbroken right now. I didn't want her to know about my bullying but now she's going to ask a lot of questions due to the fact that I've been diagnosed with depression.

I slowly make my way downstairs, anticipating the conversation I'm about to have with my parents. As I near the last step, I start hearing hushed voices in the living room. I identified two of them as my parents'. The others however are males and do sound familiar.

"I just don't what triggered her attack.",my mom whispers to her guests.

"I really don't know either, Mrs. F. I mean, we dropped Lia off on a good note.", says a very familiar voice. I then knew exactly who those voices belonged to.

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