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I took my usual seat and took out the books for the Literature class. All the students had already come and the bell was about to ring.

 As Luke had said we reached the school at the correct time, actually it took less time than what Luke had said and we could reach before the first bell. 

As I looked towards the door for the teacher to enter, I saw Ara enter through the door. Her eyes landed on me. She scowled, I could clearly see the hatredness in her eyes for me. She came straight towards me but didn't sit in her usual seat beside me, instead, she took a seat in the last row. When I turned behind and saw her, she pretended to study and not look at me. I sighed sadly and turned around to see the teacher enter the class at that right movement.

The class went by swiftly and the bell rang at last. As I packed all my books and was about to leave the class, somebody swiftly kept a note on my desk, I could catch a glimpse of the face of the person and I knew that it was Ara. 

I picked up the note and read 'I hate you'. I could feel a lump in my throat. I ran behind her.

"Ara!! wait!!" I shouted at her as I saw her going towards her next class, "Ara! Listen to me!! please!"

She suddenly stopped and turned around. I finally reached her and was panting due to the running I did. 

"What?" she asked snarling towards me.

"Ara, I am your best friend. Do you think I did it on purpose? I did it for you." I said looking at her pleadingly.

She laughed, "for me? How will it help me? Do you even know how I felt when I saw you with him? I was broken, Anna. I thought that you would be with me. Even if you're doing this for my good I don't think its working because I am still weaker than before." her eyes had welled up with tears, "Oh god, I hate this. Why are you doing this to me? Please don't try to talk to me again." she said wiping her eyes, then she just turned away and walked to her class.

I stood there feeling helpless. I didn't want to lose my only best friend. I had to finish whatever I am doing faster or I am afraid it might get worse.


"Your teacher has called off today, so I'll be the substitute teacher for today. Take out your books and study whatever you want." the teacher said and continued to do her own work. 

Nate didn't come today? It was Mathematics and he hadn't come to class. Maybe he had some vampire work to attend. He is a Prince after all. 

I guess he won't come to the class in the library too. But I can go and spend my time reading books and then I can call Luke or Edward to pick me up. However, I had not read a novel in a  long time.


I softly hummed a tune as I searched for a book to read in the library. The librarian had given me the keys and told me to lock the door and go. So, I could be in here till whenever I wished. 

I always wantedto livee between books. They are heaven.

I got the perfect book and as I turned around with the book in my hand, a pair of lips crushed into mine. I first struggled and tried to free myself by hitting whoever it was but then a pair of hands caught my wrists and held it just beside both sides of my head. The lips moved gently against mine, as if trying to put their claim on me. I couldn't help but kiss back. I felt sparks all around my body. My wrists were slowly left free and I put both of them on the person. Slowly the person removed the lips, my eyes were still closed and I was breathing heavily. I shouldn't go around kissing every person, but i can't help it.

I slowly opened my eyes still in a daze and was shocked to see him in front of me. Oh, my Gods!!



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