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Nate's POV:

It's Euan. I am sure it is Euan.

"Nate, who is it?" Anna asked me.

"I'll be right back." I left the room in search of Euan.

I opened his door and entered into his room without his permission.

He was sleeping on his bed.

"Euan!" I shouted to wake him up.

He got up at once looking around his room with shock written all over his face, "Wh-What happened?"

"Why did you kill him?" I went and stood in front of him.

"Kill who?" he asked confused. 

"Luke. Why did you kill Luke?" 

"Luke??!! He died? H-how?" 

"You are the one who killed him, and you are asking me who killed him?!"

"I didn't kill him! Why will I kill him?"

"If you are not the one, then how did I find your ring beside Luke's body?" I asked showing him his own silver and black diamond ring.

"My ring?" he looked down at the ring in my hand, "But, it's in my finge-" his words stopped as he saw his ring missing from his finger. He gasped, "How did the ring-? I didn't-...I was asleep the whole afternoon. I didn't even step out of my room." he said looking completely shocked. 

"Don't lie Euan. I guess Malice has turned even you into a person like her. How could you even think of killing your own best friend?" 

"I didn't kill him, Nate! I didn't! Please believe me, brother." He pleaded in front of me.

"But how can I believe you? How will you prove your innocence? I have got the biggest evidence to show that you were the one who killed Luke."

"I-I will.." he searched for an answer. He couldn't get one and he won't get one.

"I knew it." I left the room without giving him a glance.

Anna's POV:

As soon as Nate left the room, my phone started to ring. It was an unknown number.

"Hello?" I said picking up the call.

"Anna! Where the hell are you?! I have searched everywhere for you! Why did you lie to mother about living with Ara?! And did you recover from that flu of yours? Huh??!!"


"Now you don't recognise your own brother's voice? First, tell me where are you right now!"

I gasped loudly," Is this really you? But why are you calling from an unknown number?"

"Tell me where you are right now! I'll tell you everything when we meet." He shouted at me.

"Uhh..I'll come to the house right now. Just wait for a few minutes."

"What? No! I want to-" I cut the call before he could shout more at me.

What shall I do now? I will go to meet my brother, but what will I tell him? Ok whatever it is, first I should get out of this palace and then I'll decide what to do after that. Should I inform someone? I don't think it's necessary. I'll just send a text to Euan after I reach home.

So much is happening all at once!

I packed the few clothes I had brought with me and went down. I hope no one notices me, I started walking faster as I saw the front door.

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