Chapter Two

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It was a brand new day and possibly today would be better than the last week has been, I mean the guys and I had already gotten off on the wrong foot. Well, everyone but Austin. I still couldn’t understand what was going on with me, I knew I had only one true love, even if he was married I didn’t care, Kellin Quinn is my baby.  I rolled over in my bunk to find Cody’s face inches from my own.

                I sighed, “What?”

                Only he didn’t respond, no instead he wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled my forward. Before I could stop him I was on my stomach, with his feet under me. I groan as I rolled over to see him smiling, well he more or less has a shit eating grin on his face. He pulled his feet out from under me and pushed me with one of his now free feet, and I groaned again.

                “We need to get the merch tent up.” He exclaimed.

                I punched him in the crotch, “That hurt assfuck!”

                “Oh, god.” He gasped out as he fell to his knees, “What the fuck was that for?”

                “Well you were being a dick, so I thought I’d hurt yours.” I snapped.

                He groaned, “But that hurt.”

                “Cry me a river.” I said as I got up, “You’ll live.”

                I grabbed some things to wear, and I could honestly care less about changing in front of the guys. I pulled my shirt up over my head, and Cody just gawked at me. I pushed him with my foot, and he hissed at me. I laughed, as I pulled my shirt over my head, and undid my zipper. I pulled my pants off, only seconds later I felt pain in my right cheek.

                “Fucking aye!” I yelled.

                “God dammit, seriously will you two stop fighting for ten minutes so the rest of us on this bus have a little peace?” Dan nearly yelled.

                I laughed, “Make him leave me alone and I’ll live you all the fuck alone, I never wanted to do this in the first place.”

                “Then leave, bitch!” Cody countered.

                “You’d like it if I left, way too much. I want to stay and torture you!” I said, as he stood up. I got in his face, “I want you to have nightmares about me and I won’t leave until I’m you’re worst memory.”

                He laughed, “Well you already succeeded so you can leave now.”

                “I’m not done with making you miserable just yet, Cody Carson!” I snapped, as I pulled my jeans on. I pushed passed him and walked down the steps to get out of this stupid bus, when I turned around, “Oh, and one last thing if you ever slap my ass again, I will cut you’re shit off while you sleep.”

                As I got off, I slammed the door. I could care less if I broke it I just wanted to get away from Cody. He was such a dick, why did I agree to helping with their merch? I could have quit a week ago, but I didn’t.  I walked away from the door, and pressed my back against the bus. I slide down until I was sitting, when I hear footsteps.

                “Seriously Cody, can you just leave me alone?” I asked out, assuming it was Cody.

                “I’m not Cody.” Austin spoke.

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