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Many months had passed since my summer with Set It Off, they had contact me about joining them again on a tour and their merch girl. Of course I accepted, how could I not? I’d be getting a few months with my boyfriend, in which I’ve gone to visit in Florida a few times. I missed seeing them every day, but it wasn’t like I wouldn’t see them again.

                I kept in close contact with Ash as well, even though was in California. I missed her, but I took every chance I could to see here when she was in town. Cody had become like my big brother we were so close now, which I loved. I missed them all a lot, but I’d be seeing them soon on their next tour. They were going to be touring with The Story Of The Year and of course I happened to love that band, and like Set It Off I spend a lot of time with them on Warped Tour. I felt my phone go off.

                “Hello?” I said into the phone.

                “Hey Clem, we got good knew and bad news.” Cody spoke back, “Good news is, we’re flying you out two weeks early and the bad news is, you’re going to have to share the merch table with our buddy Marshall Traver.”

                I laughed, “How is that bad news? I won’t be alone at the table until one of you guys come over.”

                “Well I’m glad you see it that way, because he’s a good friend of ours. Don’t you go and scare him away by being a bully.” He replied.

                “Scare him away by being a bully?” I asked and he laughed, “I think you got that backwards, you’re the bully.”

                He laughed, “I am not. Take that back, lil sis!”

                “No way!” I replied!

                “Whatever, I’ll prove you wrong in a few days, pack your bags your flight is in two days. I’ll see you then, love ya’ sissy.” he said and I couldn’t help but smile, “Oh one more thing, can you buy us taco bell gift cards?”

                I sighed, “Seriously? You went through them all already?” he started to laugh, which only meant that they had, so I sighed again. “Alright, this is the last time, love ya’ too big bro!”

                As I had said, I’m glad were getting along, but sometimes I could strangle him. I started to pack my bags right away since I was going to be not only seeing Cody and the guys but I’d also be seeing Austin. I missed him so much, I was glad we had made our summer romance turn into a romance in general. I was however very excited about meeting this Marshall guy. My life was better now that I had these six fantastic men in my life that I forget all about Sleeping With Sirens, my new favorite band was Set It Off and I liked it that way.

The Nightmare at Warped Tour [A Set It Off FanFic]Where stories live. Discover now