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I run down the stairs. The horn blares from outside. As usual, I'm the last one out of the house. I pull the door closed and lock it up after me.

Keith and Jamal are already out in the car. I put my backpack in trunk

"Come on princess. We've got another stop to make before we go to school." Jamal says as I slide into the backseat.

"Where are we going?" I asks

"Erick and his girl need a ride to school so I told him we swing by and pick him up." Keith answer.

"Oh." Is all I can say. I shift back in my seat. This is just great. Now I'm going to have to spend the whole car ride in the back with Erick and his new boo. Kill me now.

We pull up to Erick house a few minutes later. Erick and Natalie come out the house holding hands. I hate to admit it but they look perfect together. She's tall with long legs and a thin waist. Her sow-in is on fleck and her makeup is flawless. I scout over when Erick opens the door. He holds it open letting Natalie to get in.

Of course she would be sitting next to me.

"Hey guys." Natalie says with a smile.

"Hey Natalie." We all greet.

"Sup." Erick greets everyone sliding in and closing the door behind him.

I spend most of the car ride with my headphones plugged in and gazing out of the window. I try not to notice every time Natalie giggles or leans into Erick but jealousy is an ugly green monster that follows me around.

Looking at Natalie I can't help but think it's obvious why Erick picked her. Her cute flirty ways all seem so natural. The last time I tried to flirt with the guy it was awkward for both of us.

We pull up to school and I am the first one out of the car. I need to get as far away from the lovely couple as humanly possible.

"April where are you going?" Jamal asks.

I turn back toward him. There all still standing by the car. "Class. I don't want to be late." I say before turning back around.

I rush into the double doors, bobbing and weaving my way through the crowd. My first class is history which is on the second floor. I drop my backpack off at my locker and rush up the stairs. There still a lot of time before class starts so most of the students are taking their sweet time.

I walk into the classroom and am surprised to see Aden siting in the front row. His in the same position I saw him in at the start of biology. I wonder if he is the first person to arrive to all of his classes.

"Hey." I say stoping in front of his desk.

He looks up at me and the back down at his book. "Hey"

"I didn't know we had this class together too." I say.

Aden closes his book and looks back up at me. "That's because you usually come in late and go to the back of the class with the rest of your friends."

I didn't know he paid that much attention. Normally I hang out with Erick and his friends before class. We usually get so wrapped up in conversation we end up late to class.

"Well do you mind if I sit next to you today?" I say. Both Natalie and Erick are in this class I can't stand to go through another round with those two. I need some space to clear my head and lick my wounds. I figure Aden could us some company.

"Yes." Aden says


"Yes I mind if you sit there. This is my space April. I'd preferred if you didn't ruin it."

I look back at him. That one actually hurt a little. Maybe it's because of Erick or my possible on coming period but I'm feeling a little vulnerable.

"Why are you being so mean to me?" I ask.

"I'm not being mean I just really don't have time deal with you or your brothers today."

My hands tighten around my notebook as I glare at Aden. "What do my brothers have to do with any of this? Your always talking about them or bring them up. Don't tell me your one of their fanboys."

Aden wouldn't be the first one. My brothers are very popular even among the gay community. Honestly I don't care if Aden is I really just wish people would stop treating me like my only importance in life is my connection to my brothers. I'm my own person.

Aden glares back at me. His face is starting to turn red. He pushes up from his chair. Papers fall to the ground and I take a step back.

"You know despite what you think not everyone is in love with your sh!ty brothers." Aden snapped.

"You better watch how you talk about my family Aden." I say taking a step forward. My brothers may be annoying but there still my family. I'm not going to let anyone talk sh!t about them.

"What are you going to do April? You going to hit me too?" Aden asks. There is a dark hate in side of his eyes.

I stare back at him feeling both confused and angry. What did he mean by hit him too. As far as I knew my brothers only fought when attacked first. I doubt someone like Aden would be crazy enough to take them on first.

"What's going on here?"

We both turn to see Erick walking towards us. I let go of some of my anger not wanting him to see me like this.

"It's nothing." I say

Erick still has his eyes on Aden. "It didn't look like nothing to me. This little white boy got his chest all puffed up, looking like he ready to fight."

Erick reaches out a hand and pushes Aden's chest.

"Who you trying to fight white boy?" Erik asks.

"Erick stop. this is between me and him." I say stepping in. I already have two over protective brothers I don't need another one.

"Naw I want to know who he trying to fight. He wanted to man up, then he should man up." Erick says shoving Aden again

"Erick!" I say louder this time. He finally turns to look at me. He can see by the look on my face that I'm not happy.

"Fine, I'll let it go today but this b!tch better remember his place."

Aden glares back at Erick but he doesn't say anything. I can almost feel the heat of his anger .

"Come on. April let go back to our seats." Erick says looking back at me.

I shake my head. "No I think I'll sit over there today. " I say pointing to the front seat on the other side of the room. I'm not sure what going on today but everyone's being a butt head. Sitting alone seems to be the best option.

"Suit yourself. Come on Natalie. Let's go to the back." Erick says looking at his girlfriend.

I almost forgot his girlfriend was in the room. She looks at me and then back at Erick. There is a slight hesitation in her eyes. Maybe Erick behavior came as a surprise to her as well. She steps past me following Erick to the back. I look at them and then back at Aden. His head his down but his hands are balled into tight fist.

Somewhere along the line this whole thing got out of control and I'm not sure how.

Adorkable (BWWM/Plussize)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن