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I spend most of history class too upset to pay attention to anything the teacher says. Normal I don't let these things bother me but today was different. I never should have said those things I did to April, especially since I knew what her brothers would do to me when they found out. It had been stupid but when she called me a fanboy I just snapped.

April thought her brothers were perfect Boy Scouts but I knew better. She looked up to them but in that moment all I wanted to do was show her who they really were. I wanted to know if her naivety was just an act. Could she honestly not know what her brothers were capable of?

Of course the moment I did something to upset the princess one of her brothers lackeys had showed up. Some how having April step in only made it worse. Under my anger was humiliation. For a reason I didn't want to understand I didn't want April to see me like that.  I didn't want to see the look of pity in her eyes.

The bell rings and I am the first one out of the classroom.  I hate this school and I hate the people in it.  I can't wait for graduation so I can get as far away from everyone as humanly possible.   I storm down the hallway determined to make it to my next class without talking to anyone.

"Dang girl, look at the crazy whit boy." Someone whispers as I pass by.

"Girl you better be quiet before he try to come shoot up the whole school."  Someone else says.

I hate how they all think they know me. I haven't said a single word to some of them but still they jump to conclusions.

I make it through my classes without talking to anyone. The whole day my anger boils inside of me without any means of escape. By the time I make it to bio I'm ready to punch a whole through the wall. 

I take my usual seat. Not even two seconds after I take my seat April come into the room. Our eyes connect for a split second but I quickly look away.  I really wish we didn't have this stupid project together.

"Aden." April calls my name. She takes the seat next to me.

"What April?" I ask still not looking at her.

"Could you please look at me."

I glance over to her. She is sitting sideways in her chair with her full body facing me.

April sighs. "I want to apologize for what happened earlier. Erick had no right to put his hands on you." 

I smile a bitter smile that doesn't reach my eyes. "You're apologizing for that? That was minor."

April's eyebrows scrunch together. "What do you mean by that." She asks.

"I mean if your going to apologize for people you might as well apologize for your brother."

"What did my brothers do to you?"

"I don't know April why don't you ask them they're your brothers."

I hold her gaze for a moment longer before turning away.  I'm taking my anger out on her and I might feel bad about it later but right now I don't care. She needs to know who the brothers she loves really are.  I wonder if she would jump to their defense so quickly then. 

"I'm sorry." April says.

I look back at her. "What did you say?"

"I said I'm sorry. I don't know what my brothers did to you but if they put their hands on you like Erick did then they were wrong and I apologize for them." 

"And what exactly are your apologize suppose to do for me? Are they going to stop your brothers from using me as a punching bag?" 

There is a look of shock in her eyes when I say the punching bag part. Part of her was probably still in denial of what her brother did until I said it.

"I'll make them stop. I talk to the and tell them-"

"Don't." I say. I don't need her to defend me. She's not my knight in shining armor and I'm not her prince to save. I don't want her pity.

" This is between me and your brothers. I don't need you to get involved."

"I'm already involved." Sh says looking upset. "They are my brothers and your my partner. You hate me because you hate them. No matter how much I try to be nice to you your always pushing me away. That makes this my problem. I'm dealing with my brothers whether you want me too or not.  I don't condone this sh!t." 

I open my mouth to say something else but before I can speak Ms. Carter walks into the room.  

"Good afternoon class." She says with a smile. I'm forced to turn back around and listen to he lecture. 

I knew nothing good would come from working with April Robinson.  Either she would go and talk to her brothers and make it worse or she would actually get them to leave me a lone. The latter would mark me forever as the boy she had to protect from her big scary brothers.

I shouldn't care how she sees me but I do.  I don't want those big chocolate eyes looking at me with pity.

"Alright class now it's time to talk about the project. Luckily for you all our the first part of this project will be about teenagers favorite topic, sex." Ms. Carter says with a smile.

There are a few snickers and whispers amongst the student body. I shake my head. They're all a bunch of oversexed horny kids.

"Ah, yes, I see I've got your attention. But before sex comes something else, attraction. Today in class you will be compiling a list with your partner of things that attract you to a possible sexual partner. After that you will categorize the list based on the ones you think have biological reasoning behind them. Be prepared to defend your answer to the rest of the class."  Ms. Carter.

Great, now I have to talk about my sexual attractions. I glance over at Aprils full figured body. My eyes pause at her ample breast and round hips before quickly looking away. This shouldn't be awkward at all.

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