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My hand was the first one to shoot up. Ms. Carter looked surprised to see me raise my hand. Usually the only time I answer questions is when I'm called on, but it's different this time. Nothing irritates me more than having my people refer to my sex as the weaker one.

"Yes Ms. Robinson." Ms. Carter says pointing at me.

I take a deep breath. "I'm sorry but I have to disagree with Erick. Women are not the weaker sex. Biologically are we more likely to have less muscle mass but we also are wired to have a higher pain tolerance. After all I would love to see a man try to push out a eight pound baby. That not even considering the all the other months where we are not pregnant. Women suffer through insane amounts of pain but out of fear of being perceived as weak we are forced to put a smile on our faces.  If we so much as even speak one word about it we are seen as overdramatic. Meanwhile guys turn into complete helpless little babies the moment they catch a cold."

A few of the nod and clap in agreement.

"But even if it were true that women are the 'weaker' ones, this isn't the Stone Age. I don't need some big cave man smashing up stuff what I need is someone from geek squad to come save my research paper when my computer crashes. So while muscles are nice and appreciated if given the choice between brains and bronze I pick brains every time."

There are more claps and words of agreement. Erick slouches down in his seat looking disgruntled.

"Nicely said Ms. Robinson." Ms. Carter said.

I sit back in my seat. Ms. Carter actually congratulated me on something. This is the first time I've said something in biology that didn't end with me looking like an idiot.

I look over at Aden. He smiles and gives me a thumbs up. I smile back at him feeling my heart flutter. Even Aden Harris thinks I did a good job.

My mood is great for the rest of the class. There are a few more argument and overall it's a pretty interesting class. The bell rings and everyone moves to leave.

"Alright class. I want you to take what you learned today and put it into a three page paper. You'll have exactly a week to complete it so please plan accordingly." Ms. Carter says as we prepare to leave.

I groan. I should have known things were going to good to be true.

"Don't worry, we'll meet up this Saturday and knock it out. It'll be painless." Aden says coming up behind me.

"Maybe for you. An time I look at the word biology I get an instant headache."

Aden laughs but I don't think he realizes how close to the truth that is. It was worse because I really didn't want him to think I was dumb because I couldn't keep up.  I'd probably go home and do some work on my own just to make sure I didn't look like an idiot when we met up.

"Well you've got me this time. So we can work through this together." Aden said with another smile.

We walk out of the class together.  It lunch next and despite having made up with Keith things are still very weird between me and Jamal. I think about what had happened before bio. I still don't quite understand what was going on in Jamal's head but distance might be the best thing.

"Can I sit at your table today?" I ask Aden.


"Or not."

I'm surprised and a little hurt by the conflicted look on Aden's face. Honestly I thought we were past that.

"No, it's not like that.  I'm not sitting at my usual table. I'm sitting with some other people." Aden says.


I'm assuming his talking about goth chick. I feel that same ping of jealousy, which is weird because I'm normally not a jealous person. It just feels like they got really close really fast. Maybe he's into the whole rebel chick attitude. I've never really talked to Regina but I hear she can be bit of a firecracker.

"But I'm sure they would have no problem with you siting with us. Their really nice one you get to know them." Aden says.

"Are you sure? I don't want to impose."

"Yeah, totally."

I look at Aden. His tone leaves me a little skeptical. I sigh. I'm probably just letting  my insecurities get the best of me. Plus it be interesting to see what Aden likes so much about Regina. She must be pretty great to get him to like her.

We walk into the cafe together. I see Keith and Jamal's table. Surprisingly enough Jamal is not there. I wonder for a slip second where he is but then decide I don't care. I'm still mad at him.

Keith waves at me and I wave back. At least one of my brothers is acting normal.

I turn my attention back to the table were walking to. Regina looks up and smiles at Aden. Her face falls when her eyes land on me.

I frown. What the hell is her problem?

"Hey guys."  Aden greets.

The tall guy siting across from Regina turns around and smiles at us.

"Hey I see you brought an extra person." The guy says.

"Yeah is it cool if April sits with us?"  Aden asked.

"Why? Did she get lost? I do believe the table she's looking for is over there." Regina says pointing towards my brothers table.

I grit my teeth. I haven't been around her for more than two minutes and I already don't like her.

"She doesn't mean that, she's just bitchy when she hasn't eaten."  The guy say looking back at Regina. She  twist up her lips and flips him off.

"Maybe I should just go." I say. I don't need to be somewhere where I'm not welcome.

"No,no,no, you have to sit with us. I insist."  The boy says getting up and help me with my tray.

"You don't have to-"

"No, it's good. Momma always says it's important to be a gentlemen." He says placing my plate down on the table.

I sigh there's no way out of the situation now. I take my seat at the table. Aden places his tray down next to Regina's.

"This is great now we can all get to know each other." Aden says trying to break the ice.

"I'm pretty sure we know all there is to know about April Robinson. You're practically royalty around here." Regina say with a smile. She's making fun of me.

"I don't know I would be careful about believing what you hear in these halls. Most of the stuff is insanely over exaggerated. Just last week I  heard this crazy story about these two student who were getting it on behind the bleachers." 

Regina's face falls. I regret my words the moment they came out. I don't know what came over me.  There is pain inside her eyes but she quickly covers it up with a hardened glare.

" You Robinson really are all a like." Regina says before getting up and leaving the table. I watch as she storms out of the lunchroom. 

"Gina, wait up." Her brother shouts before getting up to follow her out.

I turn my head and my eyes lock on Aden's . He looks confused by the whole situation. I knew I should have skipped lunch.


Authors note: uh oh, looks like stuff was said and mistakes were made. Thought? Opinions? Who was right? Who was wrong? Is it that simple?

Ps: sorry for earlier confusion. It posted when it was only half way done so I took it down.

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