Chapter 3

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Phillip followed Johan—er, his body—through the jungle. The heat and humidity were getting to him as if felt agonizingly hot, and it was like the air was thick with so much water he could've sworn that wasn't sweat soaking his clothes. Meanwhile, Johan's body trekked through like he knew where he was going. Phillip found it strange. But this being literally saved his life, so he was pretty sure he was supposed to follow him. It didn't mean he had any reservations about it, of course.

But as it went on, Phillip began to get impatient. They were nowhere nearer to Julie and Kainak's location if he even knew where they were. "Where are we going?"

Johan stopped. He turned and smiled at him. Phillip could not get used to the smile, even though it was a genuine one. There was a darkness to it, and a dark hilarity as well. This was not kind happiness, but a cruel and hateful one. He reminded him of The Joker in a way, although FAR more intimidating and, dare he say it, evil. But the charisma was evident in the man's laugh as he laid a friendly hand on Phillip's shoulder.

"Sorry about that," he said. "I was uh... looking for something. There's more ruins around here, and I'd like to find them. It's just that it's been a while and my uh... memory's hazy."

"Oh," said Phillip. "Is that why you're naked?"

The man laughed. "Nah," he said. "I just didn't like the linens I was wearing. Too... uncomfortable."

Phillip couldn't tell if it was because of the heat (which is understandable) or some reason known only to the man possessing Johan's body. "Are you a demon?"

The man laughed. "No, I'm not," he said. "Just a humble man with a few... abilities. Allow me to demonstrate."

He strode towards a tree and placed his hand on it. Instantly, the tree began to wither and die. A cat fell out of the tree, as did several bats, birds, insects, and even fungi. Phillip only watched in shock and surprise. But then Johan's body let go of the tree. Next, he touched it again. And the tree came back to life. "Easy peasy," he said.

"How—how—only God has that power!"

"Nah, it's easy once you get the hang of it," said Johan's body—er, RF.

Several thoughts filled Phillip's mind, the most prominent of which was fear. RF's laughing wasn't making things any better, especially when he looked at the dead animals while clicking his tongue, shaking his head, and saying what a shame it was to see such cute wittle animals dead. And then he remembered that he killed them and he laughed again.

"Well?" RF asked. "Whaddaya say?" Again his smile and eyes cut through Phillip right to his very core. And all he could do was nod. RF chuckled again and wrapped his arm around Phillip's shoulder, and apologized for touching him while naked.

The two continued for what seemed like hours. Minutes can feel like hours in the Pōmaikaʻi jungle, and it has helped Julie and Kainak learning how to take each day as it comes. The only way Phillip knew that only half an hour passed in the jungle was with the digital watch he wore, which miraculously still worked.

He also felt more comfortable walking behind RF, although he did not appreciate having to look at Johan's ass, which, despite his firm heterosexuality, was firm and nice to look at. Stupid sexy, Johan!

He pushed that thought out of his head.

They soon came across another stone structure. It was the same as the old one, although not an exact copy. Perhaps the person who designed it inserted subtle little differences that only they knew about. Maybe. Or maybe there's no rhyme or reason to this.

"Hoo, this place could use some redecorating," said RF. "Throw a few flowers and a carpet around here. That oughta do it."

RF continued to walk about the ruins, examining it. As usual, he shook his head and clicked his tongue in disappointment all the while. He picked up a couple of rocks and examined them but dropped them like they were trash. "Ugh, I forgot," he said. "There's a reason they call 'em ruins. Eventually, nature takes everything back, dust to dust; all we are is dust in the wind." Phillip wondered how RF, if he apparently lived on an island, could know who Kansas was.

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