Chapter 6

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An hour was long enough for them to prepare.

While Kainak radioed for help, Julie washed up, shampooed, recharged, braided her hair, and taped up her knuckles, wrists, and feet. She watched him while she bit off part of the wrappings, trying to see if the researchers or Teo could send reinforcements. So far, no luck.

Until the Teo and researchers could get those reinforcements out to the treehouse, they were on their own.

"Well?" she asked, hoping for more specifics.

"The researchers are going to try and send some help," said Kainak. "But it might take them half an hour to get through the jungle. And we have... fuck. Twenty minutes until our guests arrive."

"What about the Teo?" Julie asked.

"Kame said he was going to send some warriors," said Kainak. "Hopefully, they'll get here soon."

What followed was science. Kainak stood and looked into her eyes, and she did the same. Though they showed steely expressions on the outside, gazing into each other's eyes, they could see the fear and anxiety about the situation. And at which point, they had a conversation with their eyes and body language alone.

Kainak rubbed his arm, and Julie touched his other arm. He smiled to her, a smile that warmed her heart and made her smile back to him. Looking into his eyes—which didn't require her to crane her neck up, since he wasn't much taller than her, maybe just a couple of degrees—her expression turned into one of subtle defiance and determination, a silent vow that she would fight alongside him through whatever and they would meet it head-on. They did love each other, and like the best lovers, they would support each other. And in the vein of other great badass battle couples like Arthur and Guinevere, Korra and Asami, Aang and Katara, Sean O'Callahan and Maria Aparicio, and yes, Tarzan and Jane, they would kick some ass today. And they affirmed that with a tender, loving kiss.

The mists and fog had cleared by now, replaced by a deceptively blue sky that masked the storm that was about to begin. The two picked up their bows and took their positions. Kainak went to the roof. Julie went to the front porch.

There's a phrase, "the tension was so thick you can cut it with a knife." Well, that phrase has been used over and over again. But then again, there's a reason people say that, and because it perfectly describes the tension in any situation, like right here and right now with our Jungle Couple. Knowing that someone was coming to kill them was already hard. It was the waiting that was even worse.

She tapped her foot on the wood, biting her lip and fingering the arrow she held in her right hand. Her fingers were starting to sweat, forcing her to adjust her grip now and then. She looked up and back at Kainak, peering out at the jungle with the pair of binoculars. "I don't see anything yet!" he called.

She groaned, unaware that she was itching for a fight.

"Julie, please, relax," said Kainak. "I can see you. You're trembling."

"I just want this over with," she confessed.

"So do I," he said.

They heard a conch shell blowing. They turned to see warriors emerging from the brush. They carried spears, clubs, shields, bows, and spears. They were NOT Teo tribesman, at least not the ones the Jungle Couple asked for. They were the bad guys sent to kill them.

"Fuck," he hissed. Julie raised her bow, drawing an arrow back. She did not release it. Maybe they'll go away if they discourage them. After all, what possible reason would they have for attacking the Jungle Couple and inviting the wrath of not only the Teo tribe but possibly the researchers and the Pele tribe. These guys wouldn't last a day against them.

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