Chapter 9

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"What the fuck are they doing?" Tim hissed.

"GOOOOOOO!!!!" RF in Kainak's body shouted. And now the enemy broke into a full run.

"SHOOT THEM AT WILL!" Manti shouted when he saw them breaking into a full run. More arrows and bullets flew, striking the enemies, bringing more of them down. But a few missed and did not break their formation.

The warriors in the front lowered their spears to point them at the oncoming tide. The other warriors in back readied their clubs and other weapons. The enemy army got closer and closer until they were upon the defenders, yelling like banshees and crashing into the wall of Teo and Pele warriors, who opened a path for them.

The enemy drove their wedge right through, resisted on both sides by the Teo and Pele warriors. Weapons clashed and shouts and cries mixed together as RF's forces drove deeper into the Teo and Pele wall. But the Teo and Pele resisted, pushing against the wave of enemies, chopping against spears and war clubs.

Both forces pushed against each other for several minutes, yet seemed like a long time in the heat of battle. The Teo and Pele began to get the upper hand, but more Exiled warriors pushed back against them, shoving them towards the walls of the village.

Both of the front lines mixed together as warriors went one-on-one, toe-to-toe and mano-a-mano with each other. Men fell where they stood, cut down by clubs, spears or other weapons. Some Exiled Villagers retreated, but were pushed back towards the Teo and Pele lines. Kainak's body led the charge, hacking at Teo and Pele warriors with savage glee, cutting Teo warriors down and mutilating them into almost unrecognizable pieces.

It made Julie's blood boil.

"That bastard," she growled with venom far more potent than a King Cobra's dripping from her lips. "If that fucking sorcerer had a body I'd chop him to pieces."

"Uh, you're kinda scaring me," Tim whimpered.

"Julie! Wait. For. The. Signal!" Manti's first lieutenant Hilo said through gritted teeth.

"What'd he say?" Tim asked.

"We're not going to attack until Manti gives us the signal," Julie replied, gripping the hilt of her sword with white-knuckle fury.

"Really, you're scary," said Tim.

"You kind of are," said Hilo, after Julie translated Tim's words.

The mixing got deeper and deeper as Exiled warriors moved inwards. They could see the Teo and Pele warriors being pushed backwards towards the walls of the village from their vantage point, which only made them want to go in sooner, so it wasn't just Julie. But Hilo held them back. His frustration mounted, in part because he wasn't happy with having to hold them back when they should be disciplined warriors.

As the main line got closer to the village, they spread out, allowing the Exiled warriors to move deeper in, but then the Teo and Pele closed in around the wedge.

Manti nodded to his herald. The herald drew his conch shell and blew into it, the sound of which echoed through the small grassy lowland.

"That's the signal!" Hilo said. He stood and shouted, "LET'S GOOOOO!" The other warriors, Julie and Tim stood, drew their weapons and charged the Exiled wedge while screaming—nay, ROARING—at the top of their lungs, their faces contorted in battle rage. The Exiled had no idea what hit them. The warriors crashed into the side of the Exiled wedge where they started pushing against them.

Julie drew her sword, kept her shield on her left arm and collided with an enemy. Her foe was surprised and shocked at first, being easily pushed back against the wedge of his comrades, but once Julie brought her sword down on him, he blocked her attack. But he could not stop the rage she felt at seeing how his leader was using the body of the man she loved, and she kept whacking away at him. And once she got in his face, she stuck her tongue out and made the same bulging eye face as her Teo comrades, scaring the man before plunged her sword into his chest.

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