Chapter 1

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It's been five years since I saw the light and not this shitty light in my cell that barely never turns on but the actual sunlight.

It's been five year since I ate a decent meal. You can basically see the outlines of my ribs. That's how skinny I was

It's also been five years since I interacted with another human being. I don't remember the last time I talked. I even forgot what I sound like.

It's been five years and I forgotten what it feels like to be truly alive.

In this cell I'm dead. I have no feelings, no people, no life. Just me and the darkness.

I wish I was dead, it would be better than living in this cell, but also want to hope that I would get out of this cell.

I doubt it though.

I wonder everyday why this had to happen to me. Why my life had to be the one to turn upside down. I was a princess and now I'm nothing.

I wonder what life is like now.

Right now I'm just sitting on the floor thinking about random shit because that's all I can do. All I can do is daydream. I think if other people met me like this they would think I'm crazy. Which I don't blame them, five years can do a lot to you.

I'm hungry but I have to wait for them to bring me food which I don't know when that is but hopefully soon. I wish they would give me like a coloring book or something. They did once but I finished it and they haven't given me anything like that since.

Bastards. They're all a bunch of bastards and I hope one day they all burn in hell for this. I don't like to think negative, especially now because of the state I'm in, but I hate them for this. I hate then for making me crazy.

I hate them for making me nothing. For taking my life away. That is something I will never forgive them for.

Oh I forgot to mention that I do have a journal. It's a very descriptive journal. It has all my feeling that I can't feel now in them. I'm very truthful. I even draw sometimes in there but even then it isn't enough to hold my boredom.

So I just sit here and day dream or sleep which ever comes first. 

I don't know if I could say I miss anything out there. I mean I miss my dad and the sun and food but that's really it. I don't miss my mom or anybody else out there. I didn't really have a lot of friends or true friends. They all used me because of who my dad was and at my age I let them. I was to blind to see it. There is one thing though that I miss above everything well maybe not my dad but everything else.


I use to love it as a kid. It was the only skill I had and the only thing I was good at and enjoyed. My mom put me in dancing lesson because she wanted me to be a dancer and I was okay at it, but not as good as I was in fighting. My dad and I really bonded over it. He was more than my father or the leader of Alancia, he was my mentor. He taught me more about life and more about anything then school has taught me. He was a wise man until he was taken from me.

And that's how I ended up in here.

My uncle killed my father right in front of my eyes then through me in this cell to rote. He probably thought I would die in a year or so but I didn't. I manage to stay alive for five years. I do know is that if I don't get out of here soon I won't last much longer. I probably won't reach my thirties. It's sad to think that there are people out there enjoying their lives and here I am rotting in this damn cell.

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