Authors Note

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Hey guys not an update because I have a couple things I want to clear up or update you guys about. I have been thinking a lot about this story the past couple of days and I have come up with a couple of new things so bare with me.

1) the epilogue that was going to be for this book will be the prologue of the next book. I think it will be a much better fit than to have it at the end of this book. The last book of the series will have an epilogue, but every book will have a prologue.

2) which leads me to my next thing. I decided I am going to do a third book. I thought about the plot for this book and the next and realized it could go a little further so there will be three books in total the last book will be called The Champion.

3) the next thing I wanted to talk about is a heads up to you guys. this book took me a while to finish because I went so off target from my original plot I was stuck. I had to rewrite the story and the plot and just figure out what the hell am I going to do with this story. I am very proud on how the first book turned out and where the next books are going and I can't wait for you to read them. That being said A LOT has changed and will change in these so don't get comfortable where the story is at. I did say it wasn't going to be your average love story. I am telling you this because I want you guys to know that what happens next is part new and part what I already had plan. so I don't want you to think that I change the whole story because I didn't. Most of the stuff that is going to happen was already plan from the beginning just with a few tweaks and add ins. I think you will like the direction the story is going to go and I am very excited to write it. I just wanted to tell you guys that I am proud of what I've done and doing with this story and all that matters is that I like where it is heading. I promise that you are going to enjoy the next books because they are going to be insane. so keep reading!!

4) I have edited this book before updating the last two chapters. So I highly recommend before the second one comes out that you go and read from the beginning. I just edited and added some stuff in that kind of change but not change the story but the out come is the same so it is up too you. you don't have to re read if you don't want too I just think it is wise too.

5) next book will be told from two point of views and the third book will be told from 3 point of views (maybe you guys can figure out who the third one is hehehehe cause I'm not saying till we get there)

that is it I think on the major parts. I just wanted to tell you guys that I appreciate all the love and support you give me. I couldn't have finished or continue this story without you. I think you are going to like how this end. The Survivor should be coming in the next month or so I still have a few things to sort out but very soon will I be starting it.

thank you for my long update I will see you guys soon!!!

I will post in here when the book is up I might post the prologue earlier so you can add it in your libraries, but also I might post the prologue and chapter one at the same time I haven't decided yet.


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