Chapter 3

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Sleeping has been difficult.

After the first night in my new comfy bed I can't sleep. That's was my only good night of sleep. Since then I've been wide awake.

I just stare at the ceiling now and think.

Thinking about what I was going to do when everything went down hill.

Thinking what would happen if I lost.

Just thinking about everything. Mostly bad things.

I can't help it I'm so use to thing the worst about myself.

Even when I didn't want to.

So I tossed and turned knowing I had to be up early for training tomorrow.

As much as I missed fighting training sucked.

Jackson wasn't kidding when he said training wasn't going to be easy. My muscles hurt.

It's weird being in a room with other people training. I'm so use to trading by myself especially because everyone keeps staring at me.

I hear whispers all around the room like "I thought she was dead." "That's the lost princess." "What's she doing here?" "Can she even fight?" "She's going to be eaten alive." "I heard she's gone crazy." "She should just go back to sitting on the thrown."

I wish but it's not that easy.

I ignore the voices because I hear enough of them already.

I don't care what they think of me.

I don't care what anyone thinks of me.

The only person I care what they thought of me was my father.

But he isn't even here anymore

So that doesn't matter.

I did look at everyone closely when I would have a water break. Everyone looked average but they also look determined. Bryce Harper wasn't in the completion anymore so the title was up for grabs and everyone was hungry for it.

Except Adien banks.

He looks more angry then determined.

I've been watching him as well. More than others.

He's good as he seems. He guide hasn't have him doing much fighting but he is ripped.

Jackson smacked me in the head once because I was looking at him but it wasn't my fault.

I had to keep up with the competition.

I had to know his strengths and weaknesses and so far I have found no weaknesses.

He is going to be a tough one to beat but I will beat him.

I've catches him looking at me occasionally but I think he is just studying me too.

I feel like the new girl at a new school

And the hot guy is out to destroy me.

I felt sleep finally over come me even tho I didn't want to sleep just yet.

The FighterTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon