Chapter 2

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The trio had to pass through another jungle. This one wasn't as thick as their home in the Southern Jungles, and they took a trail used by the local tribes (one of which, the Teo, they were officially members of) for war and trade.

They were shortly thereafter back out of the jungle and into a rather large green savanna somewhere inland. The clear area spread out for many acres, almost as far as the eye can see, but this is still a rather large island, so it's natural. One the left, they could see the mountain—it really wasn't much of a mountain, perhaps only the height of Iwo Jima's Mount Suribachi with a couple bluffs about the quarter of the way up that were still accessible by foot.

On the right was the jungle, which still covered much of the island, and ahead of them, they could see the village of the Pele.

The trail continued through the grassland, which as they could see, had been well-worn into the field itself and ran straight to the Pele village. The savanna itself was not completely flat, as there were some rolling hills and little dips in the terrain. The village itself was in one of these little dips, but as they could see, also partially rested on one of the hills. The grass surrounding the village varied in height; closest to the village, it was short, while getting at least an American football field distance away, the grass was long enough for someone to hide in it.

It took ten minutes for the trio to reach the main village of the Pele. And it seemed that the Pele were expecting them, as evidenced by the Pele warriors who greeted them in front of the village gate.

They weren't the only ones. To their left, Teo tribespeople, even ones they did not recognize, were training for their competitions. Some Pele men were doing the same thing off to their right. Kainak hailed the guard at the front of the gate and the now-removed fence that once surrounded the village. The guard hailed them back and stepped aside so they could enter. The Jungle Trio acknowledged him and entered the Village of the Pele.

The village was also bustling to the peak of excitement. Smoke from the cooking pits billowed and wafted, dispensing so many smells that they blended so well, they couldn't make out an individual scent. There was also a lot of talking and singing coming from the villagers. Kimi couldn't help herself when she reached out to touch a ceremonial feather staff. It felt soft and tingly. She quickly retracted her hand so the person making them wouldn't suspect a thing. But, Julie smacked her leg. Oh, she must've noticed it.

"Kainak! Huli! Kimi!" a smiling man wearing a blue-and-green ʻahu ʻula and mahiole strode up to them with his kahuna in tow. Kainak didn't dismount, but extended his hand to shake Pele Chief Kawa's.

"Pleasure to see you again, Chief Kawa."

"And it is a pleasure to see you, too! I understand you will be competing in some of the competitions?"

"You're competing?" Julie spat. "I wanna compete!"

"It's not too late for you!" said Kawa. "The officials are still gathering competitors. Just pick a competition you want to enter!"

"Perfect," said Julie. "Who else is gonna be here?"

"You invited your paleface friends," said Kawa. "The survivors of the Paea have been reorganizing into a new confederation, and their first act is to compete. The inhabitants of the Village of the Exiled and Paradise Village have also been invited."

"I can't wait to see them," Kainak said. Julie had already trotted off on her deer steed to find a place to register for the competition. "By the way, we saw two figures watching us earlier. I can't say for certain, but they MIGHT cause trouble."

"I will have my warriors be ready," said Kawa. "Thank you for warning me. But do you know what they looked like?"

Kainak sighed as he leaned against the head of his steed and put his hand on the buck's antler. "No," he said. "They were distant specks on the horizon."

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