Chapter 3

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The next morning seemed to come sooner than expected. The Jungle Couple awoke to the sounds of people chatting and getting ready for the day's events. They took a moment to get an idea of what was going on before they realized what it was. Julie immediately jumped out of the "bed" and ran outside to see the bustling activity taking place. And what that activity was caused her to gasp loud enough to wake half the tent up, including Kimi.

People were running around. They were setting up the pitch for the soccer/football/rugby-like game, the rings for the wrestling/combat competition, the targets for the archery, slingshot and spear-throwing competitions, and the track for the running competitions. They were all spread out so there wouldn't be a ball falling in the middle of a fighting ring or a spear puncturing the ball right as it—SHOT

Okay, that was getting repetitive.

Kimi ran out to get a look at the scene and gasped as well. She just wasn't as loud as Julie. The two watched the activity for a few short minutes until Julie remembered why she had gotten up. So she awoke Kainak as well and took the rest of the trio over to the researchers' camp site, where they cleaned themselves off and washed their hair.

And since we are not going to focus on their nakedness, even if Julie and Kainak have absolutely no problems with being naked, since the act itself isn't sexual, we won't go into detail.

Julie shaved her legs and remarked that she needed to find some way to make this permanent, and so did Kimi (shave, that is). Kainak also shaved his short fuzz. They even brushed their teeth. When that was done, Julie had her hair done in a bun by one of the scientists. She tested it a couple of times until she was confident that the hair would not slip out of the bun if it was pulled on. She smiled at the mirror and to Gina while giving her a thumbs-up.

They ate breakfast with a part of researchers and Teo tribesmen. It was a good, hearty breakfast with meat, fruit, bread, hash browns and yes, coffee. Julie spent the rest of the early morning sparring with Kainak and later Gina. Kainak also sparred. Kimi got a few tips on spear-throwing from one of the researchers. At the same time, 8 members of the research team practiced the soccer/rugby-like game that would be played today.

The game was played like this: there were two teams of 8 players, including the goalie. It was like soccer in that passing was only allowed by foot. However, you could carry the ball like in rugby. There were also two goals at either end of the field, but no uprights like in American football or rugby. The only way to score was to get the ball into the net. And it's also a very physical game.

That's why some of the fitter researchers, including the ones who had experience playing rugby and/or soccer were in the lineup. The practice wasn't supposed to be very physical, but the researchers were already tackling. A few grass stains popped up on their nice shirts, cargo shorts and knees.

"Reminds me of high school," John Tamou remarked as he came off the pitch in a sweaty, grass-stained mess. "Rugby matches were the best!"

"Oi! Juan!" Gina shouted to the doctor. "Get the deep-cleaner!"

A conch shell blew just a few moments later. A caravan of Pele tribespeople, led by the man blowing the conch shell, marched past the researchers, shouting something in his native language. Luckily, Tim was there to translate.

"He wants all competitors to report to their fields," he said. "That includes your team."

"Nice," said George, one of the Americans on the researchers' soccer/rugby team.

"Julie, are you going to cheer for us?" Gina asked.

"If you're not playing my fellow Teo," she said.

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