Chapter 4

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Fear, terror and panic gripped the spectators. A collective scream erupted from them, turning into a human cattle stampede for about a second as the wave of attackers bore down on the games and the Pele village.

The Pele warriors immediately sprang into action. The ones closest to the first wave of attackers scrambled to their feet and met the attackers head-on. First, the ones at the front of the front through their spears and slung some rocks at the enemies. Said enemies knocked the spears away, and were barely fazed by the rocks. The warriors who'd thrown their spears fell back to allow the ones who hadn't to form up and point the tips of their spears at the enemy.

The two sides mixed, turning into a brutal tribal battle. The first wave of attackers ran into the phalanx, impaling themselves on the spears. The Pele pushed from behind, moving the forward line, well, forward, to shove the attackers back. They shoved the attackers back and drove their spears, some of the shafts lined with shark's teeth, into the enemy.


"TEO WARRIORS, ARM YOURSELVES!" Manti also ordered. "HULI! Get your friends to safety first, and then come rejoin us!"

"Yes, Chief Manti!" she replied. "Everyone, let's get out of here!"

Himo let Kai go and picked a spear up before charging into the fray. Kainak didn't take much longer to do the same, following Kawa into a battle formation. "JULIE! GET KIMI TO SAFETY!" he shouted.

"ROGER!" she replied before taking Kimi by the wrist.

"HEY!" was all Kimi could spit out.

She and some of the warriors gathered the spectators and then urgently, but calmly ushered them as far from the melee as possible. The warriors kept pushing, transitioning from the Kahalui crescent-shaped formation into the Pū'ulu Kaua wedge formation, splitting the enemy's forces in two. They drove them back far enough so they could throw their spears. Then, at the command of one of the officers, they charged.

The two armies clashed. It was a bloody, brutal battle of hand-to-hand combat. The defenders pushed against the attackers, mixing even more. In the midst of all this, Hilo led Kainak through the melee until they reached the front lines, where they joined up with their comrades. They immediately got to work fighting the enemy. Hilo clubbed the ones closest to him, bashing their eyesockets. Kainak fought with a foot-long leiomano, a shark-tooth club, that, let's just say, HURTS.

The mixing got deeper and deeper as enemy warriors moved inwards. Julie and Kimi turned around so they could see the Teo and Pele warriors being pushed backwards towards the walls of the village from their vantage point, which only made them want to go in sooner, so it wasn't just Kimi. But Julie held her back.

As the main line got closer to the village, they spread out, allowing the enemy warriors to move deeper in.

Hilo gathered some of his warriors. They fell back, regrouped and formed back up as more of the enemies closed in on the Pele village. He shouted, and the Teo and Pele warriors charged to counterattack. They pushed. The enemies drew back.

"HULI!" Manti was looking for her and finally caught back up with her at the top of the western hill near the village. She stopped and let Kimi go. The Australian girl rubbed her aching wrist. "Have your friends provide fire-stick covering from here. I will gather some of my archers and they will also provide cover. You come with me!"

"Yes, my Chief!" she said. She turned to Kimi. "Tell the researchers Manti wants them to provide covering fire from up here. I'm help him fight."

"Got it!" Kimi nodded and ran off to inform the researchers. Julie raced over to her antsy deer mount. After calming it down, she took her sword and shield, bound her fists and wrapped a headband around her forehead. Then she ran to join her chief.

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