Chapter 5

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The Jungle Trio left early the next morning. They packed up their things, which, thanks to their minimalistic jungle wear, wasn't much, although Julie packed the new skull helmet she jacked from the battlefield. She walked up to Kainak, carrying the skull helmet, looking all high, smug and proud about the battlefield trophy she took. Needless to say, Kainak didn't know what to think, but he shrugged and let it be while he packed his gear on his buck's back.

Kimi complained about having to leave early, but Julie wasn't happy, either. So both of them sarcastically complained about it the entire time they packed up. It didn't bother Kainak that much, in fact, he chuckled whenever Julie talked about wanting to beat the crap out of her Pele Bethe Correia opponent again.

They were not the first ones to leave. The researchers left first after deciding that they had better things to do than just sit around and do absolutely nothing, so they packed up their cars and hi-tailed it out of there. Exiled and Paea tribes people were already getting ready to go, too. Many of the Pele were understandably sad to see them go, so they saw off a few of the spectators and participants with ceremony, gifts and simple good-byes.

Chief Kawa happened to be one of these well-wishers making the rounds this morning. He found the Jungle Trio preparing to leave, working on their deer steeds when he arrived with his entourage. Julie and Kimi had already mounted their steeds. All three of them stopped as he came forward. They also bowed, as was the polite and respectful thing to do in the presence of a Chief.

"Good morning," he said unto them. "I apologize for the disastrous Games. I do hope you will come back when it is rescheduled." He patted them all on the shoulder while his Kahuna blessed them with ti leaves.

"Thank you, Chief Kawa," said Kainak. "But it's not your fault."

"I am perfectly aware of that," the Chief replied. He turned to Julie and Kimi. "It would have been amazing to see your friends succeed."

"Thank you, sir," said Julie.

"Thanks," Kimi said also.

This made the 160-170-some-pound, babyfaced Jungle Dude smile.

"I have bad news for Julie, though," said Kawa.


"Your opponent from yesterday is missing," he finished. "We took count after the attack. She was not among them."

"Why'd you tell us?" Julie asked.

"I thought you might want to know," he said.

"The only way it might matter is if she somehow comes back to bite us," said Julie.

"Fine, don't be worried," said Kawa. "I just thought you might want to know, since you seemed rather determined to defeat her."

"It's okay, Kawa," Kai bowed, reassuringly. "We'll definitely be back."

"I'm gonna kick so much ass," said Julie.

"I hope you do as well, although I am not entirely sure what that means," said Kawa. "But, did you enjoy yourselves?"

"Of course!" They sounded off in perfect unison.

"Excellent! Please, have a safe trip!"

"We will," Kainak said as he bowed and waited until Kawa was gone before he mounted his deer steed and ushered it on. Julie and Kimi followed moments later, and they were off.

They rode off to the southwest at a gentle walking pace, putting the village behind them and their jungle home ahead of them. In between that, was the South-Central Grasslands. Despite the attack yesterday, the animals had come out in the midst of this bright, sunny and cloudless day to graze and get some water. Large land animals, like buffalo and deer mingled about in their herds, chomping down on the grass. A few predators watched them here and there, but hung out, too. It was the kind of day to just sit back, relax and enjoy this primitive lifestyle.

Kainak the AwesomeDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora