Chapter 12

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Elena's POV:

"So what we doin." Aaron says sitting down fixing his jacket.

"Hmmm you guys think about it and I'm use the lu." I say giggle in because that's the British way of saying it or something.

"I'll come with you!" Patricia says pacing as I lead us to the big bathroom.

"Elena!" Patricia yells in a low voice.

"What?" I smile and make sure my makeup is good by looking in the mirror.

"I didn't I now these people were famous because I don't use social media a lot." Patricia says getting out her phone. "You know what, I'm going to download all these social media apps.

She pauses then looks up at me and darts, "If they are famous... Cameron must be too!"

I sigh as I touch out my lipstick.

"Cameron has 10.3 million followers on Instagram I my g—"

"It's no big deal." I say knowing she will say something right after.

"Elena Oberlin, huh. If you don't care j don't either!" Patricia says looking proud as she looks at herself in the big mirror with me.

I put away my makeup then Patricia says when I'm about to open the door, "Very clever with my costume idea." I knew she was talking about the boys costumes so I open the door and we head back out.

Cameron's POV:

"Hmmm you guys think about it and I'm use the lu." Elena says getting up.

"I'll come with you!" Patricia says as they both walk towards the bathroom.

After Elena and Patricia were out of sight I looked right at Jack smirking.

"What's your problem bro." Jack G says not knowing what's going on and I only saw the Nash knew what I was thinking about.

"You know." Nash says looking at me then Jack G.

"Okay guys tell me because I am lost." Jack G says frustrated.

"Chill dude." Jack J says patting his back.

As Jack G sighs I sit up and say, "You know it's pretty obvious that you got the hots for Patricia."

"Bingo!" Nash says as the other boys all look at Jack G in a funny death stare.

"I really don't know what your talking about because I don't like—" Jack G starts as someone interrupts him.

"Hey guys." Patricia says sitting next to Elena on the couch which is next to me. I go to take a few gulps of water but during Jack G says.

"Oh hey." Jack G says in the most nervous most funniest voice ever and of course Elena and Patricia don't hear.

I still have the water in my mouth and I'm about to die and then BAM! I spit the water everywhere and it's all misty and I die on the ground laughing so hard then the other boys laugh with me.

"Dallas I'm gonna get you this time!" Jack G says jumping at my on me other the ground attacking me.

"What is going on!" I here Elena say confused and worried.

"I can't it's too funnnyyyyyyy." I say stopping in between each word as the boys try to break us up.

They pull Jack away from me and I finally catch my breath from my laughing. I then get up and put my hand of Jack G's shoulder and say, "I love this kid."

Someone's phones rings and it's Patricia's so she goes right to a corner of the room and take the call but we would all here it but I tried not to look even though I'm listening, oops.

"What do you want." Patricia talking to her phone


"I don't so call me back." She goes to hang up the phone then put le it back to her ear.

"Stop!" She whisper yells so the attention is based on her.

"I don't want to hear your voice or face again so leave me alone!" Patricia says louder and hangs up the phone.

She turns around and she's that all of us are looking at her. Her eyes gets watery and quickly says with a little sob, "I'm going outside to get fresh air."

Patricia paces out the door then Elena gets up worried but someone put his hand on her shoulder, it was Jack G.

"I'll do it." As he opens the door and takes a deep breath.

Patricia's POV:

I dart outside balling my eyes out. Richard thought he could take me back like that. I didn't tell Elena but he actually cheated on me and I'm not planning on telling because it's too much for me.

He's just a jerk I hate him and I cry more.

I hear the door open but I don't even bother to look behind myself because I know it would be Elena.

"Patricia?" I hear a man voice say.

I turn around wiping my tears and it's Jack.

"Oh hi." I say sniffing my nose a bit confused.

"I know you would of think Elena would come out but I wanna talk to you, do you wanna talk to me?" Jack says putting his hands in his pockets.

"Why not." I say as we sit down on the steps.

"What happened? And don't thinking I'm butting in your business or anything." Jack says.

"Well my ex boyfriend called me and thought everything was 'all good' and it's not because he is an ugly cheater." I say sobbing in my hands. "I'm sorry."

"Don't be!" Jack says hugging me and I felt much better when he hugged me as he pulls away. "I've been threw the same thing."

I then smile and we continue to talk.

Elena's POV:

"Am I missing something?" I say lookin out the window of Jack G and Patricia talking.

"First five your baby bird space she can do it on her own." Cameron says behind me wrapping his hands around my waist.

"Your right." I say as I kiss him.

"Grab a partner." Taylor says as he puts on slow music which was nice. Then Aaron dimes the lights.

Cameron grabs my waist and I put my arms around him. Nash is with Taylor and Jack J is with Aaron and it was pretty funny tbh.

I looked out the window and saw Patricia and Jack dancing, aw.

A wonderful Halloween.

Next to me {c.d}जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें