Chapter 32

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Elena's POV:

My eyes open to an arm around me, my chest fills up with panic then I realize which brings a smile to my face.

I look at the nightstand clock and it's past 11. I then slightly remove Cameron's arm from my body and get out of the bed. I find my matching red bra and cheeky underwear and put them on.

I then look out the large window showing a beautiful overview of Paris, I smile as a pair of hands go around my waist as we both look at the beautiful city. I then turn around and wrap my hands around Cameron's neck and look deeply into his brown eyes as I hug him as his bare chest touches mine.

He then picks me up off the ground on one of his shoulders. "Cameron!" I yell laughing as he puts me on the bed. I then pucker my lips waiting then a soft pair of lips are placed upon mine. We then roll under the covers as Cameron says, "I have an explanation for you Elena."

I then sit up, "Yes?"

"It was Vanessa, it was her all along, I know it's difficult to say it now after all of this but she threatened me that she would harm you, us, and I didn't want that to happened and she forced me to, you know but she was the one that was stalking us but she is locked up now and I never stopped loving you Elena Oberlin and I just wanted you to know that, there wasn't one day that has past without me think of you. Elena," He pauses for a few seconds then holds my hands and look deeply into my eyes like he's looking at my soul, "I love you."

Tears fill my eyes, "No no! Don't crying baby." Cameron says pulling me to a hug as tear flow onto Cameron's neck.

I then wipe my tears and sniff my nose, "These are tears of joy Cameron I knew it, I really did and, I love you too." We then snuggle for a bit.



"I know we just made up and all but will you um be um."

"Wait, can I can't you a question? Since ou don't have the balls too." I say smirking.

"Ugh no! I was gonna confidently say—"

"Nep! I want to ask you, will you be my attractive, sexy, amazing ass guy I can call my boyfriend."

Cameron's face starts to blush, "Well only if you agree to be my beautiful sexy angel goddess."

"I think I can agree on that." I smile as I jump on top of him about to kiss him then there was a knock on the door.

"Mr. Carmeno!" We both whispering as the one is 12 on the button. I then get all my clothes and rush to the bathroom to hide, and put them on.

"One sec Mr. Carmeno!" Cameron says as he puts on pants and a shirt.

He then opens the door and greets him with a, "Good morning Mr. Carmeno!"

"Yes yes morning, have you seen Elena, Oberlin." He says as I hear his steps enter the room. Cameron then hesitates so I then make gag noice, yes I know.

"I am afraid so, she came here asking for my help and I obviously needed to forgive her because I obviously gotta help Elena when she's sick." Cameron says that. Rings smile on my face.

"Elena?" Mr. Carmeno says knocking on the door.

"Oh Mr. Carmeno is that you? I'm so sorry for my absence in the room attendance and Brooke and Hailey next door wanted me to ask me if they could stay in my previous room is," I flush the toilet and walk out pretending to act sick. "they say it's crowded and I would be more than happy to I've up the room and stay here, and this is a king bed so there is plenty of room for me, but then Cameron can sleep on the ground." I laugh I a mannerly manner. "I just want to make everyone feel like they are at home!"I smile then 'cough'. "It alright Phil." I say putting my hand on his shoulder as he squirms off because he is a germaphobe.

"Yes yes! Sure sure! Just get fresh air or shower or something!" He says as he bumps into the door on his way out as he gets his hand sanitizer out.

"Nice one." Cameron laughs as I tag along.

"Wanna explore Paris?" I grin

"Hell yeah I do." Cameron's shoots back. "Let's go!"

I keep my cards and money in my phone case and my phone in my back pocket and we head off.

We hit the streets, it was a beautiful afternoon. We both interlock hands and start our way to the Eiffel Tower as a land mark. We saw some people stare and take their phones out but we let it happen because this is a stress free world right here plus he is now my boyfriend again.


"Beautiful isn't it." Cameron says with his arm wrapped around me as we both.

I flip my ponytail braid, "Of course! Paris the city of love, actually." I smile

"Yes we have to take a few pictures at least."

"I can!" This girl that looks like she is around 14 walks up to us. "Only if I can get a picture with both of you too." She smiles.

"Oh course thank you so much!" I say smiling giving her my phone.

We kept on taking a bunch of photos but the girl didn't even mind. "Hm I think Cameron should hold you Elena and you can wrap your legs around him and you kiss! Genius!"

"Not bad, and what's your name?" Cameron

"My name is Alice, and prepare for the best photo of your trip!" Click!

"Thank you so much Alice!" I say as she gives my me phone as we scroll through the pictures.

"Hey." I say bending down to  oher. "You know what you wanna be when you grow up?"

"No I'm only 14!" Alice laughs.

"This." I show her the picture of me and Cameron.

"A photographer?" She questions.

"Yes do you see this? This is art and this is an iPhone, imagine what you can do and start right now, I already know you'd be very successful and what's your Instagram so I know how to contact you for more photos?" I smile and her face lights up.

"Yes! Photography! Yes!" Alice screams for joy and gives me and Cameron as we snap a few selfies.

"See you around!" Cameron says as she begins to walk away but runs back and hugs us and whispers something in to Cameron's ear that I manage to hear.

"Never let go of her ever again." She says which brings a smile to both of our faces as she runs off.

"That was the best kid I met." Cameron says as I agree.

I hug Cameron as we look at the tower when I felt a tap in my shoulder, and I smile thinking t was Alice but it wasn't as my face turns into a frown. "Dad."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2016 ⏰

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