Chapter 13

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Elena's POV:

I wake up to the thunder and lightning, cool but not by myself, my loving boyfriend.

Cam is still sleeping because he is Cam. So I decide to look threw my Instagram and I have so many follow request.

I then turn my account off private because there isn't really a point now and continue scroll down my feed. I get to the pictures of yesterday on all the guys Instagram's. All the boys took a picture turning around showing their t-bird jackets which was pretty funny then a few pictures Cam posted of us which was very cute.

But my favorite of all is the one picture of Patricia and Jack G, they have a move from Grease when Sandy looks over her shoulder with a grin and Danny's face drops. That actual real life Jack right there. It got over a million likes and all the comments were,
"Omg goals!!!"
And much more but they are so cute.

After that I get Cameron's laptop since we're in his room and go on YouTube and watch TWAIMZ. He's my fav.

I then realize it's past 2 in the morning and I give myself a omg hahaha face and put his laptop back on the table and fall back asleep.


I wake up to my buzzing phone and look it's 3 in the morning! Who is calling me at this hour. I rush so it so it doesn't wake up Cameron and its was Chantelle. If your wondering who Chantelle is, she is my beauty perfection, well known, annoying person I called my sister.

I get up to the other side of the room on Cam's couch and answer, "Hello?"

"Elena?!?" Chantelle screams in the fact that broke my ears.

"It's 3 in the morning and why did you have to call me and you haven't called me at all since I started school." I say with a very small amount of anger.

"I'm sorry but this is important!" She tells me.

"What is it?" I ask putting my elbow on the side of the couch then putting my hand on my head.

"It's mom," Chantelle says cooling down as I spring up sitting straight with caution, "It's her tumor, it's getting worse, she doesn't have much time." She continues sobbing.

"No" I whisper shout crying in my hands. "What hospital!" I need to come now!"

Chantelle gives me the address and it's over 20 minutes away and I hang up on the phone. I realize I still have my costume on and smudged makeup but it'll have to do.

I grab my high heel boots and put one on and fall to the ground and cry as I zip my boot.

"Elena!" Cameron shouts jumping out of the bed shirtless with his sweats on.
He rushes to me and hugs me right away as I'm still on the ground crying.
"Baby what's wrong?" He says as my head in in his shoulder.

"It's my my mom." I cry even more saying her name.

"Look at me Elena, tell me what's wrong." Cameron says trying to calm me down and cupped my cheeks in his hands.

"She has a tumor and she she doessssn't have much time left." I say rushing to hug him.

"I'll bring you  to the hospital." Cameron says helping me up as he puts a shirt and shoes on and I finish putting on my boots and grab my purse.

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