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Harry above <3

I also feel like this song Unsteady by X Ambassadors describes Peter's relationship with his parents and how he feels.



Peter woke slowly to a blinding light and a splitting headache. He was very cold and was laying on a hard mattress. When his eyes finally adjusted to the light, he didn't recognize his surroundings.

He tried to sit up, but he immediately felt nauseous. He spotted a trash can under the night stand and instantly grabbed it. He vomited all of yesterday's food into it, including whatever drug was slipped into his drink last night. At least that's what Peter thought it was.

Once his stomach didn't feel so uneasy, he sat up fully. His head felt like it was being whacked with a hammer. He groaned as he started to feel a pain in his lower back and...

"Oh, shit," he muttered.

He whipped the covers back and saw his naked body covered in dried cum. His eyes widened as his brain began racing a mile a minute.

'What the hell happened last night!?' He wondered, a bit scared.

He spotted his clothes on the floor and he threw the covers off quickly to get dressed. He tried to draw as many explanations as to what happened as he quickly dressed himself.

He obviously had sex with a guy, the throbbing in his ass told him that much. But with who? Peter's breath caught as he feared the worst.

"Please, tell me I didn't have sex with Harry," he whispered out loud, pulling his converse on.

Then he thought, if it was Harry, he wouldn't leave after. Harry would have still been here the morning after.

His mind was thinking so fast it made his headache ten times worse. Where the hell was Harry? How was he supposed to get home? What if-

"Shit!" Peter cursed loudly tossing his left shoe to the other side of the room angrily.

He finally realized what he did. He just had sex, with someone he doesn't even remember, while he hasn't been taking his pills.

"Dammit. Shit. Fuck," he cursed again, trudging angrily over to get his other shoe and yank it on. He knew his Pops wouldn't approve of his language right now, but his Dad never cared.

He silently slipped out the door, stepping over all the passed out drunk people, before ducking out the door. His back really hurt, but he couldn't think about that now.

Instead the tried to think of where the nearest city bus stop was. He eventually found it, but had to wait twenty minutes until it finally showed up. He rode around for another twenty minutes until they finally stopped at a shopping center that contained a drug store.

He paid his fair quickly, hopping off the bus. He was glad he brought his wallet to the party. His dad always told him to never leave home without money. Now, he knew why.

However, his phone was dead. So he couldn't even text his parents to tell them he was okay. He just added that to his list of current problems. He didn't know what he'd tell his parents when he got home.

Peter pushed the thought to the back of his mind, finding his way to the back of the store. He stopped in one isle and stared at the rack of pregnancy test.

He bit his lip, examining the different kinds. This was so embarrassing. Some people stared at him, but he just kept his eyes forward. He decided to buy one of every brand they had, just to be sure.

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