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Probably didn't expect an update this quick. >,<


"How long have you been sick?" Tony asked, placing the back of his hand on Peter's forehead.

"I dunno," Peter mumbled from his position laying down on his bed. Tony pursed his lips as he looked down at his son.

"Okay, well get some rest. I'll come back to check on you in a minute," Tony said making his way to the bedroom door. Peter chewed his lip nervously.

It was now or never.

"Wait, Dad," he called out, sitting up on his bed. Tony returned to him, sitting in front of him on the bed.

"What's wrong?" Tony asked.

"I, um, I ran out of my pills," Peter started, looking into his lap.

"That's okay. I can order you a refill," Tony said nonchalantly.

"No, Dad, I- ugh."

Peter was struggling to find the right words, confusing Tony.

"Do you feel weird when you don't take them? Does it hurt?" Tony asked.

"No, I ran out a long time ago."

"What? Pete, why didn't you tell me?"

"Because you and Pops have been fighting and I didn't want to-"

"Pete, look at me," Tony said cutting him off. Peter slowly raised his head, meeting his dad's matching brown eyes.

"I know Pops and I don't always agree, and I'm sorry you have to hear our stupid, little arguments. But I love him and you with all that I have. I don't want you to ever think I'm not there for you."

Tears threatened to spill from Peter's eyes at his dad's confession. That was just the courage boost Peter needed to calm his nerves.

"I'm sick, Dad," Peter said miserably.

"What hurts?"


"Peter," Tony said sternly. "Seriously, what's wrong?"

"I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry. I didn't mean to," Peter said suddenly, a sob tearing from his throat. Tony was shocked my this sudden outburst.

Peter squeezed his eyes shut and  threw his arms around his dad's waist, face buried in his stomach to avoid his gaze. Tony could tell this was serious as he rubbed his son's back encouragingly.

"Peter? You didn't mean to what?"

"I had sex with someone at the party. I didn't mean to, honest! I had too much to drink and I didn't even remember what happened-"

"Wait, wait," Peter sat up to look at his dad while he was talking, "You had sex with someone while you weren't taking your pill?"

Peter chewed his lip nervously before nodding slowly.

"Fuck. Peter, are you...?"

Peter nodded again.

"Dammit, Peter! What the hell is wrong with you?" Tony snapped, standing up.

Peter shied away, pulling at the sleeves of his hoodie nervously.

"Do you know what this means?"

Peter gritted his teeth in anger. Of course he knew what this meant. It meant everyone's lives were ruined because the scrawny, gay boy got pregnant, but Tony didn't think Peter really knew. He didn't think Peter knew the half of it.

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