Chapter Ten: Papa Garcia

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{Selena's Pov}

Haley and Shane's wedding is just a week and a half away! I can't wait! I love weddings. Haley chose me as her maid of honor! I'm so happy! Amy's the flower girl and Shane chose Damon to be his best man. Invitations have been sent out today with my help of course! I'm so excited! It's Tuesday. Another day at Qwellsville high. Thursdays my big day! Track. I've been running every morning. Keeping a good pace with my speed. I'm ready. The guys are eating breakfast downstairs while I was helping Amy decided whether to wear a strapless dress with a jean jacket or jeans with a yellow tank? The strapless dress of course! I wore red skinny jeans with a white One Direction T-shirt. My hair is in a messy bun. I looked casual for sure. Placing on my converses I bought a week ago, I walked downstairs. Mariah and Harold are early. There's an empty seat next to Logan. Quickly sitting down, "Morning!" I greeted politely. "Morning" they said in unison. They continued their conversations.Yum! Haley made pancakes!

The doorbell ringed. Amy got up, racing to the door, "I'll get it!"

Everyone kept talking. Not caring who was at the door. Amy walked back in shyly. I guess no one was at the door. Pouring syrup on my pancakes I heard Mariah gasp.


"Mariah, wow. I haven't seen you in years."

I gulped. Setting down the syrup everyone stopped talking. The boys looked confused. Amy as well. Glancing up I laid eyes on my dad. My cheeks lit up, a smile plastered on my face. My dad stood in his black suit and white tie. Hands stuffed into his pockets but you could see the gold expensive watch. His dark hair a mess but my Dad pulled it off. I always hated when he brought women home.

Jumping out of my seat, "Daddy!" I raced over to him giving him a hug. I could hear the boys whisper "Daddy?". My dad smiled, pretending that I weighed a ton his shoulders slumped, "Oh gawd. How much did you eat while you were over here?"

Some of them laughed at his teasing. Getting loose from his grasp I pouted. He pinched my cheek, "Don't make that face."

Harold stood giving my dad a manly hug. They go way back. My dad said they went to high school together. "It's nice to see you again. Your daughter looks just like you."

My dad's eyes flicked with happiness and he laughed, "Yeah? Why does everyone say that?" he joked. The boys looked uncomfortable except Logan and Damon who had smiles on their faces. Archer looked as if he wanted out the room as soon as possible. I had to hold back my laughter. Shane slapped hands with my dad. They're close. "Congratulations, I knew you were going to propose to sweet Haley when I first met her."

Shane scratched the back of his hair and smiled. Haley blushed, "Hey Cam." she waved. He waved back.

My dad looked at the boys. "These four." he pointed to each of them, "They're all yours?"

Harold laughed, nodding his head. "Yeah. How ironic when we thought you were going to have the most children."

My Dad chuckled, rubbing the temple of his eyes. Mariah got him a chair and placed it next to mine. My dad took a seat. Haley was about to get him a plate but he said he already ate on the way.

My Dad gave me a serious look, "Which one?" he asked.

Oh gosh. I played like I was dumb and avoided his eyes. I was nervous. "I don't know what you're talking about."

Logan and Damon chuckled. Harold even had a smile on his face. Archer avoided eye contact. My Dad rubbed the temple of his eyelids in frustration, "Selena. I know you're dating one of them." he stopped rubbing his eyes and he grinned, "Which one?"

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