Jennifer Who?~ Twelve

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I couldn't even pay attention to rest of the wedding. Everything went mute around me. I felt like the walls were closing in on me. This has to be a mistake! A dream! Yes, this has to be a dream. I close my eyes for a few seconds. Calming my breathing I open my eyes and see that she's still there. My heart pounds in my chest and I feel a rush of anger towards her. How dare she show her face here! She left when I was two and divorced my Dad for a doctor. Then she came back and she almost killed me. Well I'm over exaggerating. Well, she beat me so bad and drove me to the hospital. She made up a lie about me fooling around and falling off the roof. That's what caused the huge red bruise on my back and my cheek. She lied and what made it worse is that she made me lie to my Dad. If he ever found out what really happened that day. I don't know what he'll do. A week later she left and I haven't seen her until today. The nerve of her showing her face. I'm going to stay calm. I'm not going to ruin Haley and Shane's big day. I was sitting at a table with a few little kids while everyone was watching Haley and Shane's first dance. Jennifer made her way over to the table. I didn't want to make a scene so I pretended she didn't even exist. The nerve of this woman! She's manipulative, selfish, conceited and just a cold hearted person. I loath her with everything in my heart. Jennifer sat in the seat next to me. Moving her chair around to face me. I didn't even glance at her.

Her pink and green manicured nails smoothing the side of my cheek, "Hey, baby. I've missed you so much."

Softly slapping her hands off my cheek. Why is she touching me? Her voice still happy and cheerful when she talked. "Selena are you still mad at me? You know mommy never meant to hurt you. It was a mistake. I was drunk and I'm sorry."

Drunk? I scoffed. The lies she would tell. She wasn't even drinking that night. She knew exactly what she was doing, she wanted to hurt me. If it wasn't for the neighbors wanting sugar. I would probably be dead right now. What mother intentionally tries to almost kill their child? The child they brought into this earth? It doesn't make sense.

"Selena. Say something. Angel." she demanded. Her happy voice going away. She hates when the attention is not on her. I have nothing to say to this woman. I yawned. Jennifer quickly snatched my arm, sinking her nails into my wrist causing me to wince. "You know I don't like it when people ignore me. You should know that by now. You either are going to talk me or treat me with the respect I deserve. I am still your mother. I gave birth to you."

"I hate you!" I hissed sharply. She was about to lift her other arm when Archer approached. She quickly let me go.

"Is everything okay?" he asked nicely but I noticed the uneasy tone in his voice. Glaring at Jennifer. She didn't notice because her eyes were locked on mine.

She suppressed a smile, "Everything is fine. I'm just having a friendly conversation with my daughter."

Friendly? She almost hit me in front of all these people. She has no shame. Archer's eyes widened, he let out a soft laugh. "The same mother who walked away from her daughter for almost five years? Nice to meet you." he said sarcastically. I was shocked. I wanted to hug him right now. He's amazing. Jennifer's mouth hung open like a fish. Folding her arms over her chest, "Excuse you?" she said sharply.

Archer ignored her. Slow music began to play. Glancing over at me he smiled, "Would you like to dance with me?"

Standing up, I linked my hand with his. "I would love too." Rescued by my amazing boyfriend. Archer is just amazing. I don't know what I would do if I didn't have him by my side. I noticed Klaus slow dancing with the girl from yesterday. She looks familiar. I think she's in our gym class. Why didn't he tell me he's dating someone? I tell him almost everything. Archer placed his hands on my hips and I wrapped my arms around his neck.

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