You're the Newest Host! A Teacher?!

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This place is I thought to myself as I stared at the new school I'd be teaching at. As I walked down the hallways to my new classroom I'd be teaching in, it seemed as though all eyes were on me. The girls in the ugly (yes, I said ugly) yellow dresses stared at me with pink cheeks and wide eyes.

Why are they staring at me? It seemed it wasn't just the girls...The boys stared at me as well. I sighed, but my face seemed as stoic as ever. I've never been really find of showing my emotions to people. That goes for my family, and my other friends as well. I don't really know why exactly, but I have just gotten used to it.

I opened the door and saw the chairman Suoh inside the classroom already. He turned to see me, along with the eyes of the rest of the class. This was my newest class I'd be teaching, Class 1-A.

Suoh smiled at me. "Ah, here he is now." He said brightly, turning back to the class and waving me inside.

I stepped in and now stood beside him. The chairman nodded and continued. "This is Akira Hanji, your newest—"

"Aw, sweet! We have another new student!" One kid yelled aloud.

My eyes widened, along with the chairman's. Was that why everyone was staring at me? Actually, it made sense only a bit. If I did look like a student, then they probably were staring at me for not wearing a uniform and maybe how I was acting and dressing. It all made sense now. Even my eldest sister said that I looked like a teenager (which personally I do not see how that is).

Suoh chuckled at the class and said, "No, no. This young man is actually your new teacher."

Now everyone else's eyes widened. I couldn't help but let out a small chuckle myself. The chairman smiled. "Yes, yes. Please welcome Akira Hanji, the newest teacher at Ouran Academy. Sorry to say, your last teacher had to resign." He turned to me with a nod. "I'll leave this to you then, Akira-kun." He smiled as he patted my shoulder and walked out, closing the door.

I sat down on the desktop and looked up at my students. They were all a fairly good looking bunch, I'd say. Well then again, what would you expect from the rich?

One student raised their hand. It was a redhead, with another boy that looked exactly the same as him. I nodded at him and he spoke. "Why do you look so much like a student?" He asked, tilting his head. Then, I saw a brunette student face palm.

"Well...I'm not sure. Genetics?" I said stoically with a small shrug, keeping my calm composure.

After many other strange questions from the students, the bell finally rang and they all began to file out. I got up and then saw the redhead from before. He ran with his stuff and then bumped into me, making us both fall. I looked up finally to see if he was alright, but he was actually gone.

I shrugged slowly, standing up. I looked down and saw a small crumpled up piece of paper lying there on the ground. I bent down, picking it but up reluctantly and saw words written on it: Go to Music Room #3.

"Music room 3?" I asked quietly to myself. I stuffed the small paper into my pocket and collected my books. Couldn't hurt to check, I suppose.

But what I didn't see, was that the two redheads were smirking, just before they disappeared around the corner.


I arrived in front of the music room written on the paper and reluctantly knocked on the door.

The doors suddenly flew open, and flower petals flew out as well. I tilted my head and looked back at the paper. No...I'm in the right place...

"Welcome~" I heard a chorus of voices say. When the bright light and petals soon dispersed, I walked inside and heard the doors close shut.

I saw 7 people in the middle of the room. The two redheads from my class, a tall blackette and one with glasses,two blondes, and the brunette from my class.

The 1st redhead grinned. "See? Didn't I tell you I'd get us a new member here?"

The brunette smacked him on the head. "Hikaru! Kaoru! He's our teacher! Not a student!"

Weird...the brunette sounded like a girl. I decided to leave for now, not wanting to offend him. The blonde in the center of them all's eyes widened. The sparkly taller blonde ran in front of me, eyes big.

"You're a teacher?!" He asked in shock.

I nodded with a bored expression and he gasped. "You look so young!" He then struck some weird dramatic pose. "It must be like eternal beauty from a fountain of youth! Oh how lucky you are!"

I stared back at up at him, since he and most of the others were taller than me. "Yes. I'm Akira Hanji, the new teacher for Ouran Academy."

The blonde grinned and held out a red rose to me. "So tell me. What kind of guys are you into? The Cool Type?"

The blackette with the glasses smirked, "I'm Kyoya Otori."

"The Strong, Silent Type?"

The taller blackette nodded. "My name is Takashi Morinozuka."

"The Boy-Lolita?"

The small blonde with the big pink bunny rabbit looked up with a big grin. "I'm Mitsukani Haninozuka! Call me Honey, and you can call Takashi, Mori!" He giggled.

"Or the Mischievous Type?"

The redheads locked arms with matching smirks. "We're the Hitachiian brothers, Hikaru and Kaoru."

"The Natural Type?"

The feminine brunette pointed to himself with a tilted head. "I'm Haruhi Fujioka...but the Natural Type...?"

His question unanswered, the blonde continued and then grabbed my chin. "Or maybe the Princely Type~? Tamaki Suoh, your very own Prince Charming?" He whispered.

My eyes stared back at his with my eyes staring dully at him.

"How about none of the above?" I said stoically. Tamaki's eyes widened as he then continued to rant on and on, stepping closer and closer into boundaries. I continued stepping backwards, trying to expand the space between us.

I then heard a loud crash. I turned around. A small, yet beautiful vase was now smashed into pieces.

The blackette with glasses, Kyoya, smirked. "Ah, that vase was ¥25 million."

You've got to be kidding me...

Hikaru and Kaoru snickered, high diving each other.

Hikaru grinned. "Told you. We've got out newest member."

Tamaki smiled at me with bright eyes. "Ah, so you are the newest host! You're the very first teacher host!"

I deadpanned as I saw them all. Haruhi put a hand on my shoulder with a solemn look as if someone had just died. "I feel sorry for you, Hanji-sensei. That's more than my debt."

So he is in the same boat as me..? What kind of monsters are these kids?

Kyoya chuckled at us. "Why, yes, Haruhi. He is indeed."

Tamaki smiled at me, making a dramatic pose once more. "Starting today," He pointed at me.

"You are a host!"

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