Tamaki's Discovery!

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Tamaki's PoV

It's been a few days since we visited Aki-san's house. And of course, none of the host club has spoken a word about the "you-know-what" incident that occurred there.

I can't help but feel a bit conflicted though.

After Kyoya had talked to Aki-san in private, it was only Kyoya that came back and said that it was time to leave. We didn't even get to say goodbye to Aki-san.

Don't get me wrong, I trust Kyoya with my life. I'd never doubt his actions, but I can't help but feel that something just may be wrong.

When the week came back around, of course Aki-san had come to the club as usual and acted the same, but for some reason, it just seems...different than how it was before. Like he's more reserved or closed off from us than he had been before.

Since then, I've felt a bit differently too. Just like...not myself.

I don't know. To be honest, I really don't like not knowing.

Suddenly, I was pulled out of my thoughts when I felt a tug at my sleeve.


I was met with three pairs of big doe-like eyes and bright yellow.

Oh yeah...I was in the middle of hosting.

"Tamaki, are you alright?" One of the girls asked, her head tilted to the side innocently.

"You seem lost in thought. It's not like you," said another with a purse of her lips.

A smile made its way to my lips, the usual smile of a "professional" Ouran host. My hand trailed up one of the girl's arms and then cupped her cheek. I brought my face close to hers.

"I'm so sorry, my darling, but you are right. My mind is in the clouds, but of the clouds of Heaven because I am here with you beautiful and divine beings, these pure and irresistible angels that have blessed me with your presence~" I cooed softly as I watched all three of their faces burst into multiple shades of red followed by a string of squeals.

They all began to chatted amongst each other and my eyes began to wander, seeing Kyoya standing close by. He was writing in his black notebook, like usual.

"Mommy." I spoke up.

Kyoya raised a brow at me before sighing, ceasing his writing and closing the book.

"What is it, Daddy?" He answered.

I turned myself around on the couch and rested my arms and head on the back of it, gazing back up at him.

"Is Aki-san not coming today?" I asked curiously.

"No, Tamaki. It appears that he had to stay after and attend a few faculty meetings and finish grading things for his class," Kyoya informed dutifully.

"Oh..." I glanced down in disappointment before continuing. "Hey, Kyoya? Back when all of us went to Aki-san's house and you talked to him alone, what did you talk about?"

"Hm?" Kyoya remained unwavering as he stared back at me. "Nothing in particular really. Why do you ask?"

"Ah, it's nothing. Just curious..." I trailed off in a quieter voice.

Of course he wouldn't tell me.

For some reason though, there was an odd feeling inside of me. Like an itch that you just can never reach, it agitated me.


The day had gone by fairly normal. Kyoya was still counting up the money and the club's funds, Haruhi had went to get commoner's coffee, the evil twins played their dumb "Which One is Hikaru?" game, and Mori-senpai and Honey-senpai has ordered different cakes and sweets.

Soon enough, before I even knew it, club activities had ended and the rest of the day seemed to just pass by in one big blur.

Now it was night time and I sat in my bed, pulling my knees to my chest as I allowed for my mind to wander off.

I missed Aki-san today.

I know it's kind of a stupid thing to say. He's a teacher after all and a full grown adult, and he doesn't really talk all too much when he's there to begin with, but I don't know. It's just a feeling I have and that I can't seem to shake.

My mind began to replay the memories of that fateful day: the day Aki-san and I actually...kissed.

Aki-san's house was nice and so was his (rather terrifying) sister. They were kind and welcoming despite our sudden appearance.

I remember on the way there too.

Honey-senpai was more excited than usual and even brought a special cake like he did when visiting Haruhi's place before. Despite not looking it, Mori-senpai seemed more interested than usual as well, but I couldn't quite tell why at the time. The twins were pretty annoying and evil as always, and of course my darling daughter Haruhi had acted the same as usual.

Kyoya was pretty dark and mysterious as always, so I couldn't really tell if that was anything new or not, but one thing that really irked me was when he talked to Aki-san alone. I know I've said it a bunch of times, but I just felt that something wasn't right.

The thing is, it wasn't even the fact that Kyoya won't tell me what it was they spoke about.

It was the fact that Aki-san won't talk to me and that...

That I almost wish he would bring up the kiss.

The moment the thought crossed my mind, my eyes instantly widened, and I quickly scrambled to my phone pressed the first name that popped up.

I blurted it out all at once.

"Kyoya, I think I like Aki-san!"


My hand flew to my mouth in disbelief upon hearing the voice. I pulled the phone away from my ear and realized I had called probably one of the last people I wanted to hear this.


OHSHC's 1st Teacher Host! Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt