I Know Your Secret

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To say that I was shocked would be a very great understatement.

Not only was Tamaki a male (not that I am homophobic or anything, but it did not help the case) and underage, but he was also my student and the chairman's son.

This was far beyond an illegal and a scandal to say the least.

Though it didn't really help, I certainly was slightly relieved that I had changed I back into proper clothes and not just left on my bath towel before this whole incident.

No, no. That's not really helping.

Regaining my senses instantly, I pushed Tamaki up and off of me and covered my mouth instinctively. I had no words.

What was I supposed to say?

I looked back at an equally shocked Tamaki, who was also covering his mouth. His face was bright red and the other Host Club members were all staring agape (minus Mori and Kyoya, who somehow kept perfectly straight faces in this situation).

To put bluntly enough: I was screwed.

Kaoru shouted out first, breaking the ice. "Oh my god! Our king—"

"—just kissed our teacher!" Hikaru finished.

"Our teacher—"

"—just kissed our king!"

"I don't want Aki-chan to get fired!" cried Honey.

"Yeah." Mori nodded quietly.

"I'm so sorry, Aki-san!!!!!" Tamaki sobbed melodramatically. I was still on the ground, too caught up in this whole scenario to get to my feet, and my back was pressed against the wall with Tamaki at my heels begging forgiveness for who knows why anymore.

"My, my, this is quite an awful situation we have gotten ourselves into," sighed Kyoya. "Can't you all just quit acting like fools and think rationally for a minute?"

"Like that's gonna happen," grumbled Haruhi.

"Tamaki-kun, you can stop apologizing," I said. "It's not your fault. If anything, it would be my own negligence and—"

"Guys!" Haruhi finally shouted louder. She was huffing and puffing, glaring at them all as if they were idiots (no comment). She looked at the others blankly. "Can't we just like, not tell anyone?"

After another moment of silence, it was Hikaru and Kaoru yet again to break it.

Hikaru laughed condescendingly. He walked over to the brunette and put a hand on her shoulder.

"Oh Haruhi, it's not that simple!"

Kaoru followed at her other shoulder, copying his brother.

"We can't just not tell anyone!"

They laughed in unison while Kyoya's eyes glinted it's typical (in my opinion 'maniacal') way.

"Or can we?"

"Can we?" Both of the twins tilted their heads.

"I don't want Aki-chan to be fired! He's our friend and a member of the Host Club! Usa-chan doesn't want Aki-chan gone either!" Honey exclaimed with big, teary eyes.

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