Chapter 3: Change

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As I slowly opened my eyes, the soft glow of morning sunlight filtered through the curtains, casting a warm embrace over the pristine white walls of the room. The air was tinged with tranquility, a stark contrast to the lingering gloom that had cloaked the sky outside. Blinking away the remnants of sleep, I found myself lying on a comfortable bed, the plush cushions molding around me as I sat up, taking in my surroundings with newfound clarity.

With each breath, I noticed a heightened awareness of my surroundings. My senses seemed to sharpen, picking up on the faintest sounds and most delicate scents. It was as if a veil had been lifted from my mind, allowing me to perceive the world in a way I never thought possible.

Confusion mingled with curiosity as I surveyed the room, my mind racing to make sense of the unfamiliar surroundings. Where was I? How did I end up here?

A soft weight grasped my hand, drawing my attention away from my thoughts. The texture was familiar yet foreign, and the touch was gentle yet strangely comforting. With a sense of trepidation, I turned to see who or what was beside me, my heart pounding as I braced myself for whatever revelation awaited me.

"Carlisle, she's awake." A deep, resonant voice rumbled through the air, cutting through the hazy fog of my senses. I looked up to see Emmett standing beside me, his presence a comforting anchor amid my confusion. A moment later, a blonde man entered the room calmly yet authoritatively. He exuded an aura of wisdom and compassion, his eyes betraying a depth of experience that instantly inspired trust."How is our patient?" the stranger inquired, his voice carrying a soothing reassurance.

"Like a million bucks," I replied sarcastically, unable to contain the flood of questions in my mind. 

"What happened? Where am I? Who are you? What's going on?" The words spilled from my lips in a rapid-fire barrage, my anxiety mounting with each passing moment. Everything felt surreal, with my mind struggling to grasp the reality of the situation and the unfamiliar sensations coursing through my body. Emmett stepped in to provide answers, his voice steady and matter-of-fact.

 "Well, you were attacked by a vampire. You were out for three days while transforming because we couldn't extract the poison. You are now a vampire. You're at our house. And that's Carlisle, my adoptive father."The revelation hit me like a ton of bricks. "Wait, I'm a vampire?" I repeated incredulously, the implications of my newfound existence swirling chaotically. Amidst the tumult of emotions and questions, one thing remained clear: I was no longer the person I had been just days ago.

"Yes, so are the rest of my family and me," Carlisle replies calmly, his words sinking in as I nod in understanding.

"So what is happening? Will I get to stay with my dad?" Panic surged as the realization hit that my life would change drastically. I needed to call my dad and tell him where I was and my friends.

"Don't worry, we handled it," Emmett reassured me, his voice steady and reassuring."

Now, Emmett will take this poor girl hunting," Carlisle interjected, his tone gentle yet firm. With Emmett's assistance, I rose from the bed, noticing that I was dressed in jeans and a shirt for the first time.

"Alice helped change you," Emmett added casually as we exited the expansive house.

As we stepped outside, I saw myself in a nearby mirror. The reflection that stared back at me was almost unrecognizable. My eyes were a striking shade of blood red, my freckles had vanished, my teeth were perfectly straight, and my hair had darkened slightly. Even my skin appeared paler than before. Despite the drastic changes, there was a strange beauty to my new appearance, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of awe at the sight of the girl who now stared back at me.

As Emmett led me out into the dense forest, the cool night air wrapped around us, carrying the sounds and scents of the wilderness. His instructions echoed in my mind as he spoke, urging me to let loose and embrace my newfound abilities.

"Now, I want you to let loose. Feel where the animal is. Use your speed. I will stay in control to ensure you don't harm a human," he explained, his tone encouraging and cautious. With a determined nod, I absorbed his guidance, preparing to tap into the instincts that lay dormant within me. Closing my eyes, I allowed my senses to take over, the world around me sharpening into focus with startling clarity. With a deep breath, I inhaled the myriad of scents that filled the air, each distinct and potent in its own right. A faint whiff of prey caught my attention—a tiny rabbit barely a mile away. Without hesitation, I bolted towards it, my movements fueled by the exhilarating rush of newfound speed. But as I drew closer, another scent invaded my senses—overpowering and repulsive. My pace faltered as I approached the edge of a tree line, my eyes widening in disbelief at the sight before me. 

A man hung precariously from a cliff, his form illuminated by the soft glow of the moonlight. His arm bore a small cut, the source of the sickening odor that filled the air.

"What's wrong?" Emmett's voice cut through the silence, concern etched into his features.

"That blood smell—it's revolting," I muttered in disgust, the nausea rising within me at the sight and scent of human blood. Pushing the disturbing image aside, I refocused on the task at hand, my senses tingling with the presence of a new prey—a mountain lion. With a surge of determination, I sprang into action, launching myself towards the unsuspecting creature with a primal instinct that bordered on savage. The hunt was swift and efficient, the rush of adrenaline coursing through my veins as I pounced upon the startled prey, draining it of its lifeblood with a fierce hunger that burned within me. The taste of fresh blood flooded my senses, sending a wave of euphoria coursing through my veins as I reveled in the primal ecstasy of the kill. 

With our hunt successfully concluded, Emmett and I made our way back to the safety of our home, the thrill of the night's hunt still coursing through our veins as we prepared to face the challenges ahead in our new immortal existence.

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