Chapter 6: Meet the Family

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So lately, Edward has decided to be beyond stupid and he has been hanging out with Bella, who recently found out about vampires. and is coming over later to meet to rest of the Cullen Clan. Pretty exciting stuff. I may have come off a bit nice when I mentioned her earlier. Honestly, I could care less about her. She left dad for mom and I was a mistake child and mom didn't want me so dad kept me. Yeah, I was a mistake. My mom never wanted another child. But they were so happy about Bella that they had fun the next night. Though my father's condom broke. Resulting in a mistake.

Of course, I have told Emmy this and he knows I dislike Bella because of what she said when she went to fully live with mom when she was 10.


The day Bella leaves: September 1, 2002

"Bella, why do you have to leave?" I ran out to her on my short 10-year-old legs.

"I don't like daddy. And I hate you. You are an attention hog." The ten-year-old Bella says meanly. "And mommy wants me cause I'm not a mistake like you."

My young mind could not understand why she would say those words to me. Words flowed out of my mouth as the emotions in my heart could not be deciphered

"Fine I don't like you either, I hope your plane crashes and you both die on the way to Florida. I never want to see you again." I reply as harshly as possible in my small child voice. The wind was blowing fast that day. It whipped my hair into my face and as soon as I could see again the car of the woman I hate was making its way down the street with my older sister looking out the back crying. From that day on whenever she would visit Dad and we would bicker, our relationship consisted of us mutually deciding in silence that though we were sisters we would never be friends

Flashback over

I know it's stupid but Thinking about the past was hard and if I could cry I would be, knowing how much pain I put dad through seeing his daughters on the outs is a disappointment that I couldn't even imagine he felt. I knew I would try to forgive her because I am really bad about that. I let almost anyone walk in and out of my life with no questions asked.

"Babe" I hear Emmett yell as it echoed through the house. I am currently hiding so I don't have to talk to Bella. Thankfully Eddy was gone so he couldn't read my thoughts to find me. And I wasn't breathing cause I didn't need to.

"Has anyone seen Eve?" I heard Emmett ask from downstairs. I look down from my perch on the stairs to see him in the doorway to the kitchen. Everyone else is making food for Bella. Everyone shook their heads.

"I saw her in the attic a few minutes ago but she has found so many hiding spots in this house she could be anywhere," Rose said.

"I am over here," I whisper for them to hear Emmett turn his head to look around the room since that's the only place I could be for my voice to go crazy in such a soft tone.

"Emmett," Max says.

"Yeah?" Emmy answers. Distracted with trying to find me

"She's your mate, can you smell her?" Max tells him.

"Damn you Max" I mumbled knowing he would still be able to hear me

"Your welcome Evie." He yells. Emmett is standing at the bottom of the stairs looking up.

"Evelyn Marie Swan got down here right now," Emmett says seriously. I slowly make my way down the stairs sulking. . "I will deal with you later." he growls in my ear. I just rolled my eyes. He wouldn't hurt a fly. He hates killing animals but doesn't want to starve. It's the main reason he is vegetarian.

"How soon until she gets here?" I ask dreadfully. Though I am shut up when a car door slams.

"OH MY GOSH!! She is finally here. I can't wait to meet her" Esme cheers while she cooks for Bella. I roll my eyes again, at this point, I am surprised they are still in my head. It appears to be some sort of noodle. Food was definitely one of the biggest parts of being human that I miss. Human food tastes like dirt to me now and it makes me sluggish and kinda sick because our bodies can no longer process it. Anyway, Bella and Edward just walked through the kitchen door. Emmett is standing between my swinging legs, his back pressed against me, as my arms wrap around his neck, my head nuzzling the crook, while I sit on top of the counter.

"What a pleasure it is to finally meet you, Bella. Edward has told us so much." Esme said with her classic warm smile gracing her face.

"All good things I hope, '' Bella replies. I could see her eyes beginning to scan the kitchen, picking up the sight of food that had been prepared for her arrival. Alice and Jasper jumped through the window stopping quickly in front of Bella. Jasper covered his mouth and nose to contain his hunger, while Alice went in for the hug.

"My, you really do smell good" Alice said, causing Edward to growl. "Oh don't worry I saw us becoming really good friends!!" Alice just rolled her eyes and continued. "This is Jasper, by the way, then Maxwell and Rosily, Esme and Carlisle, finally your sister and Emmett" she pointed to each of us. Rose just glared, I buried my head in Emmett's shoulder to breathe his scent to distract from hers.

"I hope you're hungry, we made Italiano" Esme interrupts. Rose began to walk forward with the large salad in a green bowl.

"She already ate," Edward said quickly, causing Rose to drop the bowl, smashing it in a fit of rage. Max pulled her to him to prevent further damage.

"I hope you understand how bad things will be if she can't keep these secrets" Rose snarks at Ed hotly.

"Bad as in I become the meal?" Bella said, obviously trying to joke.

"Edward, why don't you take Bella to the living room? We can talk more there." Carlisle said. "And you two clean this up" he pointed at Rose and me.

"Me, what did I do?" I said flabbergasted.

"Nothing, just help Rose" I rolled my eyes, pushing Emmett away from me, and jumped down off the counter. Glaring at Carlisle and Emmett, the latter who was smirking down at me.

Esme, Carlisle, and the others walked out to the living room to continue getting to know Bella. As Rose and I cleaned and complained about her being here. Rose because of her protectiveness over the family and me because I was bummed I couldn't hear the conversations as well as I wanted to, the jealousy I felt about her taking everyone away from me seeped into my anxious mind. The feeling that my happiness would be taken by her once again weighed heavy on my heart.

Soon I hear the piano beginning, Edward playing a song he wrote for Bella.

Soon the song finished and the family decided it was time for her to go home. With the consensus that we would meet for baseball when the thunder started to roll in a few days.

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