Chapter 7: Thunderstorm

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As midday approached us the following day the overcast sky gave promise for my first game of baseball. As a human I enjoyed playing softball, I had once dreamed of playing in college. But, of course, my life was not going to end up as I had planned. That conversation with dad was one of the hardest, trying to explain that I no longer wanted to play a sport I had devoted so much time to.

Teams were easily sorted into Blondes versus Brunettes.

Myself, Rose, Jasper, and Carlisle made up the blonde team. While funkily enough our significant others made up the brunettes, Edward, Max, Alice, and lastly the biggest trash talker Emmett. I quickly learned that since I had joined the family Esme would be an empire, apparently, there tends to be a bit of cheating. Along with Edward came my sister, of course, who would not be playing even if we were human. She's the kind to be picked last for anything involving movement.

"Hey, 100 bucks says my team wins," Emmett whispered in my ear, putting his arm lazily around my shoulder.

Pushing it off I responded. "I'll take that bet, but remember we are competing and you my dear are going to lose so bad you gonna be six feet reverse, love ya" I quickly blew him a kiss and walked to my team with a final glare, okay maybe I'm competitive too, I think he rubbed off a bit.

After Esme finished explaining the rules of the game to Bella, we were underway. Up first to pitch was the brunettes. I couldn't help but laugh at Alice's dancer-like form. Jasper, rip the bat, throw the air and nail the ball causing it to soar into the forest.

"Now I see why you need thunder,," Bella said faintly to Esme, smirking. I watched Emmet and Edward race toward the ball as Jasper ran the bases as fast as he could. The two numb nuts both leaped into the air crashing into each other at the peak of their jump. Jasper made it home scoring our first point. Our turn up to bat continued. Max and Emmett's trash-talking us while Rose and I just shot insults right back at them along with a few flirtatious quips.

Out of nowhere, a gasp came from Alice, halting the game, everyone raced to the middle of the field to Alice, Jasper reached her first.

"What is it? What did you see?" He asked hastily.

"I thought they were going south but they heard us playing and changed course. I'm so sorry Edward." Alice said her voice was barely audible.

"We have to get Bella out of here," Max said protectively.

"There's no time, they are coming fast," Edward said, pulling Bella close to her chest.

"Can anyone explain to me what is going on?" I was completely lost.

"Nomads, Bella, take your hair down and stand behind us," Carlisle said, trying to find the best way to keep Bella safe.

"Like that will help. You can smell her across the field" Rose said. From the tree line, three figures emerged.

In front, a shirtless male with long blonde hair pulled back into a ponytail, greasier than a gas station sausage, he wore loose jeans that frayed at the bottom and revealed dirty, bare, white feet. On top, he wore a jacket that resembled that of Waylon Jones, a man who had died a few days ago in what was said to be an animal attack. Behind his right shoulder stood a tall woman with beady red eyes and even redder hair, the curly mop flowing in the wind as they raced toward us, her style looked like that of an 80s hippie. On the other side stood an ashy, black vampire, his eyes popping out in contrast to his skin, he looked the kindest, his dreadlocks tied behind him.

Once they reached us the redhead was holding our baseball.

"Need a few extra players?" She asked to sing the ball to Emmet who stood to my left.

"Actually a few of us were just leaving," Carlisle said calmly. "You can take their place"

"I'm the one with the wicked curveball." She said with a smirk.

" I did not realize there were others in the area." The darker vampire inquired.

"Yes, my family and I maintain a permanent residence," Carlisle told him. I began to feel nervous about the outcomes this conversation could have, Emmett, grasped my hand slightly calming my nerves.

"We don't mean to intrude, we will be on our way." The man responded. The redhead looked a bit disappointed. Just as they were turning to leave a breeze flowed through the field, lifting Bella's scent and wafting it into the nose of the blonde man.

"You brought a snack." He growled out, blood list evident in his beady eyes.

"The girl is with us," Jasper said, trying his best to deescalate the situation. We all stood protectively around Bella ready to fight if needed. I may hate my sister at times but she is still family and I would also protect her. With one final look over his shoulder, the blonde went off with his comrades.

With one look we all knew,

We needed to protect Bella.

We left the field and began to formulate a plan.

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