Chapter 9 : Run

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Leaving the house, I walked to my car where Emmett was sitting. I pulled myself into the stress of the situation and felt like it was eating me alive. I think Emmett could sense my unease. He reached his hand over and set it on my thigh as I received the car to life. As soon as we got onto the road toward his house I interlaced our hands.

"Why, does Bella always seem to cause problems?''I ask Emmett. I am worried that I may lose my sister, no matter how fractured our relationship is I would still be lost without her.

"Honestly, I am starting to think she's a danger magnet. It will be okay though, she is part of this family now. We protect our family." His words only relaxed me slightly, I could hear his joking tone but could not get myself to force out a laugh. As we followed behind Bella and Edward, glimpses of Blonde hair could be seen behind us, James was behind the group. The old truck in front of us bounced up and down as a figure jumped into it from the side, it was Max. "What did Bella say to your dad? I could see his face through the window as we drove away. He looked crushed." Emmett said, my mind wandered to the situation that had occurred only moments before.

"She repeated practically the same words my mom did when she left. I know he will forgive her but I'm nervous about having to pick up the pieces again. He just loves so fiercely." I said sadly, my father has always given 110% to everyone so to see him get hurt once again breaks my heart. "What if something happens to her? I don't think my family will recover."

"Nothings going to happen, Edward would never let anything happen to your sister, he truly loves her." Emmett was doing his best to ease my nerves, I was definitely an anxious person, he always knew exactly what to do and say to calm me. "Edward was able to look into his mind, though Carlisle won't like it he knows the only choice is to kill him, James is what we call a tracker, he lives for the hunt, he won't stop until he has caught Bella." This information only scared me more. I think he felt my unease following this. "But, it's like 8 against 1, nothing will happen." his words trying to calm me but if only I had known how wrong he would be.

Finally, we arrived at the house, everyone gathered in the living room to discuss our plan of action. I could feel the Growls rumble out from Emmett as he pushed me securely behind him when we both noticed Laurent standing in the white room with our family.

"He's tracking us" Edward announced, he glared at Laurent with a protective glance.

Laurent with an unhappy face admitted how he was afraid of that. Alice glided over to Jasper's side, whispered so quietly to him that I could barely hear, then together they flew up the stairs. Rosalie's eyes gilded around the room, her gaze intense, fury blaring bright as she gave Bella a quick once over.

"What will he do?" Carlisle asked Laurent in chilling tones.

"I'm sorry," he answered. "I was afraid, when your boy there defended her, that it would set him off."

"Can you stop him?"

Laurent shook his head. "Nothing stops James when he gets started."

"We'll stop him," Emmett promised. There was no doubt what he meant. His grip tightened around my hand as my arms wrapped around his waist.

"You can't bring him down. I've never seen anything like him in my three hundred years. He's absolutely lethal. That's why I joined his coven."

His coven, I thought, of course. The show of leadership in the clearing was simply that, a show.

Laurent was shaking his head. He glanced at Bella, perplexed, and back to Carlisle. "Are you sure it's worth it?"

Edward's enraged roar filled the room; Laurent cringed back. Oh, lord. The love of Edward is clear in his protective nature over Bella.

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