A Lie for Your Sake?

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Mia's Pov

I was troubled. I was having fear to be with Ken. I feel unsafe with him. But i have got no choice. We went around the beach. He started to create a friendly conversation in which he talked about the lack of commitment he has within himself. 

'But hey, if you get a bit serious about me. I might marry you and will take you with me away from here.' He said of course in a flirting tone.

'But i can't connect with you with my heart and i barely know you!' I argued with him as we sat down the beach on the rock.

'You know no one every reject me like you are doing.' He blurt it out and i realized a few things.

'So your ego is hurt? You know all these seem dramatic to me. Like damn dramatic!' I said to him sharing a bit of my heart feeling. It was hell of a dramatic kind of day. I was the actor and Nicki was the director behind the scene! Damn funny. I thought as i giggled.

'Stop laughing at me! You are seriously challenging me at every step!' He said seriously.

'You know you are damn arrogant! And i'm opposite to you. I will never be able to fall for you. You are not my type.' I confessed to him.

'Well you do know that opposites attracts right?' He said with a grin on his face.

'You won't give up right? Give up Ken! You are rejected by a girl today! Write it somewhere to remember!' I said in a dramatic tone.

'Well you are different! If there was another girl right now she will be all over me! You are getting me right?' He said trying to sound cool.

'Well i'm hard! I know' I said laughing at him while he rolled his eyes and trying to acts as if he is hurt.

'Stop being dramatic, you could be just a friend!' I said genuinely at him.

'Well that's not a bad deal' He said agreeing to my talk.

Time came up to go back to the apartment and then my family told me to join Ken at his apartment all will be gathered there. It looked that they are still trying to tagged me with Ken. I went to his apartment and he showed me around. His room was cool. He was from a rich background. All the things at his place was luxurious. There was a dark corner in his room. He playfully pushed me in and i got stuck in the room.

'Ken , don't joke! Stop it just open it!' I warned him as he laughed trying to make fun of me that i can't handle to be alone in dark.

'Mia, don't worry i will not harm you. Just few minutes experience the dark for a while. Isn't it fun?'  He questioned me.

 And i just could not replied back. I felt suffocated. And it was expected as i suffered from asthma problem from quite young age. And the place i was locked into was suffocating store kind. Few minutes passed by. Ken continued to joked until he got tense with not getting any respond back.

'Shit! what's wrong?' I felt him nudging at my arms and trying to wake me up

'I have   as thmaa ' I managed to say while trying to catch my breath.

'I'm so sorry i should have being careful. I lost my sister who had asthma problem too. I'm sorry for being a jerk.' Ken continued his guilty speech. He tried help me the best he can. After 30 mins, i get back my breathing in control and i was ok like before.

We were still in his room. We sat on his bed. He talked for a while about his hiking obsession, his desire to settle abroad. And then after a while i felt him holding my hand. I know where this was leading to. He took my hand into his and he lean closer to me and he was about to pressed his lips against mine. I pushed him away. I could not do so. I felt nothing. I was skeptical about this. And mostly it felt wrong. It might sound stupid but i wanted to share my first kiss with someone i love. Ken is a nice guy but i don't love him. He is just a friend. 

'I'm sorry' i moved away and he moved away but still sitting beside me. And right then , my family entered the apartment. I fixed my hair and everything and we went out just to avoid making things seemed intense. 

We both sat outside. He start off the uncomfortable conversation. 

'Look i'm sorry Mia. It just happen in the flow. I did not meant to.' He tried to clarify his actions.

'You are a nice guy. You will find someone who fits you perfectly one day. And i'm sorry for rejecting you yet again!' I said while laughing trying to make the atmosphere less serious.

'Hey stop i am not rejected!' He argued as i nodded my head and we continued a friendly conversation and i started to worried about Nicki now.

It was time to get back home. I got Nick's message asking if i kissed Ken and what happened exactly in details. It was the time to decide a  good decision.

Nicki's Pov

Part of me want Mia to get hooked up with a guy and the other part does not want so. I'm confused. But i was preparing to be hurt. I decided i will act normal and go away from her if she got hooked up with that guy and if she did not then i will ignore her as i should else i will start to fall for her which seem wrong.

Mia's Pov

I was walking beside my cousin so i decided to ask him for a help.

'Hey Arun, Listen you had your first kiss? 'I questioned him trying to sound as normal as i can.

'Yes i had 1 year ago with the girl i love' He said casually with a pride.

'So how was it the first feeling, i want to know share it. I never had mine so i'm curious. Can you describe it for me a bit? Please? You are more experienced in that than me.' I said while buttering him and showering him with all the praises.

And we sat in the car to get home while he kept describing his first kiss experience and i shared that with Nicki trying not to make it feel obvious that i still did not find anyone as boyfriend of mine! I hope that at least now she does not feel ashamed to be with me and still keep me with her. It was a lie yes , but i did it selfishly for myself. I needed her to live. I want her in my life..not as my best friend but more than that.

Nicki's Pov

I read her message and i felt all kind of emotions stirring within me. I felt jealous, anger, and even hurt. But i coped with it trying to make it seem a normal thing and i was not affected. I told Mia that now that i have tamed her, and give her good advice. I will have to leave her now to which Mia got more enraged and she managed to convince me to stay with her as her best friend. 

I wanted her to be mine. I so wish that she had not kissed anyone or hook up with anyone. I wanted to be more than just her best friend. I signed as i think about her. Life would have being so good with her. I miss you Mia. I wish you had no one else but me...

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