Reality Vs Fantasy

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Mia's Pov

I had the perfect evening time ever. I wished it did not end though. I enter my room and within few minutes, my mom enter the room for her interrogation session. How predictable. 

'Mia, how was your day? Your late today? Was tuition longer than it should have being?' She shoots out her usual list of questions and i was nervous.

'Finals are around the corner so i was taking up extra classes.' I said looking away not to seem obvious that i am lying.

'Ok , study well but do not overwork yourself and yes come have dinner' She said as she patted my shoulder.

I kind of felt guilty about lying to her. I meant my mom is strict but sometimes she does care about me. I rarely lied about anything but this was needed. My parent are homophobic. The idea of me being with a girl will terrified them because i know they can hardly handle the thought of me dating even a boy. But its not within my control , i wish they were happy in my happiness. I wish there will be a time when my life will be filled with moments of what i desire ....or maybe just with Nicki. I went on thinking and i got lost in today's moments. It was just the way i wanted. 

Nicki's Pov

Today was a perfect day. I wanted to break rules so i did. And it felt nice with Mia. We basically live in a society where same sex relationship are termed as sins. I am pretty much sure that we should conceal all this within ourselves in order to lead a happy life.  I enter the house and i saw pretty much busy with their own things. 

'Nicki , how was your day? Go change and come have dinner'  I heard my mom almost yelling at me.

'Yes , coming' I said as i get in my room to change and all i could think about was Mia.

Her touch , her closeness,  her warmth, her talks, her smile...everything was so contagious that i felt hell affected. I close my eyes as i showered and i pictured a life of mine alongside Mia. It was wrong in the eye of society but for me it was all that make me feel alive. I wanted her by my side and i wish it was acceptable. I am not brave enough though. I do not want people to term me as anything and i also don't want Mia to go through it. I am ready to fake it but not announced it to everyone. 

Mia's Pov

 I lie down on my bed and i felt alone. I took glances over my mobile screen several times. As i was getting impatient , i thought i should text first because apparently it has already being 1 hour since we were together so it's fair. 

'Hey , can we texted? I miss you.' I pressed sent and look at it impatiently. 15 minutes passed reply.. It was getting too much. I was pacing around my room. 'Your busy?' I texted second times. Ok i get it , i am getting impatient but i miss her. She should text as fast as she can. 

'Of course we can text babe' I read the text as soon as it appeared on my mobile screen. It was so damn quick that i was kind of impressed with my own quickness or ...maybe just desire to be with her.

'Don't you think you should have texted a bit quicker?' I try let her know that i was a bit annoyed and i miss her.

'I had dinner then i was in the shower and was thinking about you. You distract me not my fault.' As i read her text , it make me smile like crazy, she does have a huge effect on me because even in her absence she does manage to make me smile.

'I was missing you, what you were thinking about?' I felt a sense of curiosity. I was being nosy but hey that's my right.

'Just you generally. You infected me with your everything. I am having side effects and you are responsible for it.' I smiled as i read her text. She does know how and when to get romantic.

'Well , not my fault ...sleep and wait to see me tomorrow ;) ' I texted as i felt myself smiling with my phone and blushing.

'Goodnight Sweetheart , we have classes tomorrow so i'll infect you too  just like you did ;) ' It was probably the sweetest goodnight message i had ever received it felt nice.

'Well you already infected me and i miss you more than you thought. Goodnight baby. Sleep well. Let's meet tomorrow. :*' I texted and i put my phone away and it felt a good night. everything felt good. 

Reality might be hard but the little fantasies that are present in our lives make living in reality worth it. Being in love might be tough and complicated but even the slightest love moment that make the heart flutter make love worth it. I closed my eyes and hope for a beautiful tomorrow.

Nicki's Pov

I was around the classes and Mia was late and i was pacing around and sometime just sitting and fixing at the door. My friends must be thinking i am mad but ....yup maybe i got crazy for a girl...a girl i never liked but now i love deeply. When i saw  her enter the class , i felt my heart at peace. I was getting dependent on her slowly slowly and i was liking it.

She looked at me and i know she had an urge to talk with me but i was around all my friends. It would not be good.  So i texted her. 'Hey beautiful , you look good.' And i looked at her while she read my text , she did smile and blushed. 'So do you, i miss you and i want to talk with you :(' I read her text and look over her , she look sad indeed so do i miss her.  'Miss you too , we meet after class promise now just smile please?'. She look at me and she smile and we stare at each other for a while. I wish i could her voice and maybe feel her touch. 

Mia's Pov

I was pulled over an empty dark room by someone and i already felt the familiar touch over my arms and her hands over my lips. I bit her hand and instead of screaming , she pressed her lips over mine and her hands were wandering around my back pulling me closer. Within seconds , i felt her tongue tangled with mine and we kissed till we got breathless. She then move away my falling hairs and she kiss all the way down my neck. And i felt myself moaning over her actions. She pulled me into her arms and she whispered to me 'I love you'. I placed my arms over her neck and i gave her a quick peak over her lips and she smiled at me. I stroked her hair with my fingers ,staring at her like i never saw her properly and she asked me 'what?'  I told her 'Hmmm nothing , just want to let you know I  love you too' though we already confessed it several times. It felt less the more we said it.

Everything seemed perfect. Probably because it was starting of love , the sweet blooming love feeling. I like everything with her. I prefer to have the fantasy moments of ours as my reality.

You , Me And Sex (GirlXGirl)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin