A Promise

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Ryan's POV

A girl who is special to me is crying over the phone on her birthday. Nothing could be much worst than this. I hurried to get there for her. Why? Because she is worth it. And no one else will understand the feeling of being alone better than I do.

She continue to sob as I handed her some more tissues. Ever since I appeared in front of her she is crying more that too without uttering a sound. Her cry is inaudible but visible. ' Stop now otherwise I will have to run to the shop and get more tissue' I said exhaustedly. She sniffles as she looked like a complete mess without giving a damn about it. 'You look horrible' I tried tease her to lighten up the atmosphere. 'I hate you.' She said while giving me the don't mess with me look. She is cute. Lately I am starting to lean more and more on her. I feel like she understand me.

'Let's get some ice cream birthday girl?' I said pulling out my hand to pull her up. 'Come on enough of that grumpy face. Let's have some fun.' I said pulling her up as we start our hunt to find the best ice cream flavor. ' I'll have the chocolate one. And you?' I tapped her shoulder with mine moving her out of her trance. Her eyes were puffy and red with that cry episode of hers I wonder what could make her cry so much. 'Vanilla one.' She said softly without a sight of excitement.

We settled over a bench. The dead silence was uncomfortable. 'Thanks Ryan.' She whispered as she turn her head towards me giving me attention. 'Ok so does that mean Miss Whatever is grateful? Can I ask for anything?' I said in a wicked way as she looked in a dilemma but yet she agreed to give me what I want. 'Then disclose to me what's wrong' I said sternly as she sighed taking a deep breath she start. 'Well my parent cares about grades more than me. No one in my family took my birthday as a thing that matters. And the only one that ought to care ditched me so I felt horrible. Then you happen. ' she said inhaling deeply trying to relax herself. ' Sorry I do feel you and this feeling too' I said squeezing her hand within mine firmly and she look on at me processing what I just mentioned. I felt myself drowning in my own horrible situation.

' Is today not the right time?' I hear her voice echoing in the customized dead silence of my world. I gave her a questioning look yet i know extremely well what she was digging into. 'It's my birthday. I want my gift. I want your secret to be known to me.' She start to have it in her own way. 'You are so stubborn!' I said after witnessing the way she wants things to be in the way she desire to be. 'I know i'm a brat. You had picked me as your friend. Now deal with it.' She said while giggling. 'I know..' I said while playing with my fingers nervously. 'Stop and just say it..come on.' She said jerking my hands away interrupting the nervousness movement of my hands. 'You won't understand me.'It's not worth it.' I convinced myself not to disclose this to her. 'You can trust me...I won't turn away..Promise.' She said placing her hand over the palm of mine in a sense of assurance. I do want to give in to her that's her effect. 'Ok. Remember your promise though..' I said one more time revealing my insecurity to be misunderstood , pitied and abandoned.

Mia's Pov

The suspense ambiance was too much to handle. It can be vision how he got nervous and his body got stiff out of nervousness. What could be so bad that he wants promise too. We known each others for months now. We being there for each others rather he has mostly being there for me. I feel guilty for not being there for him. I feel like i am using him which i don't want. The moment i need someone to lean on, he happened to be there without asking for. I do wish he can rely on me too.

'I said trust me ..You are one of my best friend. I'll be there always. Promise.' I reassured him with a smile while being fully confident of what i said. He then pulled the sleeve of his sweater as he introduce me to the dark side of him. Cuts overshadow his skin. His scars , fresh and old depicts his lonely life. I felt instantly like a bad friend. ' Why ? ...' I stuttered as he looked on at him inhaling deep breath. 'I'm sorry, I never knew you were in pain...' I let my guilt expression take over me. 'I never let you know it...It's not your fault..' He said positively as he tried to lessen my guilt. 'No! I should have noticed it.' I try to processed everything as it sink in my heart that i am an utterly selfish person. 'I hide it like a pro. Leave this. Don't you pity me? Don't you want to leave someone as weak as me?' He asked with a tone of insecurity. 'No. I felt bad that I am taking someone as my friend and I am not aware that he is depressed.' I let him know about the truth.

'But why? Why this? This is not a solution you know it right?' I said as calmly as i can. 'It calms my nerve when i hurt myself everything else hurts less. I get panic attacks where i don't know what get to me. I feel alone , i get temper , i feel like i am not reacting to anything then i tend to cut myself to get out of it. ' He tried explained the actual reason his actions which perhaps might be valid from his point of view but there is plenty of ways out rather than this. 'Your parent? Are they aware of this?' I let out my curiosity to which he let out a chuckle. I looked on confusingly at him as he continue. 'My parent are these.' He said removing a pack of credit cards and lot of other card. 'Explain it clearly.' I asked knowing that I was going a bit too far. 'My parent have always left me alone in pretext to make me independent. Your birthday is lonely, mine have always be this much lonely. They work to get money but I am not lucky enough to get their time. I often blamed myself for being wrong ..maybe I am bad so that they don't be with me. They always make every single things about life like a deal and they make money out of it. Every single people around me, friends, girlfriend all just be with me for my money. It can't get more worse right?' He said painfully as he looked on at me asking for support. 'Don't do this ..I'll be there. I'll get you out of this. Promise' I whispered to him as I wrapped my arms around his shoulder.

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