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Nicki's Pov

There is no way to make up for what happened today but still I do expect she will understand me. I glanced at my watch as I counted time left for her birthday. Still 4 hours left but I am unable to get myself free. 'Hey baby. I'm sorry? Don't be so mad please?' I texted her as I get back to work on the project work. 30 minutes later still not reply. Is she this mad? I felt my body getting tensed up. I tried my best not to let myself get frustrated on her but I can't control myself when she ignored me. 'At least reply anything if you are mad I understand. You do know that everything happen for a reason. I do promise to make up for this.' I texted to which she replied. 'Sorry I was in the shower and i am not mad. Everything happens for a reason and i encounter a reason today. Thank you love.' I read the text several times and it made no sense to me.

'Don't send such dark yet inspiring texts. I am your girlfriend not patient who required inspiration.' I sent it with a laughing emoji. 'Then what kind of text will i be texting if i got ditched on my birthday?' I could feel her rage even in a text. 'Oh oh things got really this serious. Baby I will make up for you. Promise Promise..Tomorrow will be our day' I sent it to her hopefully that she does get over her anger. 'Will see about it. Hope I don't get left behind because of your friends, or maybe project. See you tomorrow.' Her text, her tone especially dismayed me but i guess it's acceptable. I left her alone inviting her today in her birthday. That does sound horrible. 'Hey I'll make up for you. I am not that bad as a girlfriend.' I tried convinced her as I figure out myself how to pacify my girlfriend.

Mia's Pov

I hope I don't be a bad girlfriend while trying to be a good friend. I sighed as I think about everything chaotic going on in my life. 'Hey sweetie , how was your birthday...with Nicki?' I read Kate text and it remind me again of how I didn't had my birthday spent with the love of my life. How irritating and disappointing is that. 'I was on my own...No Nicki.' I texted her plainly without any further details. 

'What? No It can't be true. You are fooling me ...aren't you?'  She texted back almost immediately which make me chuckle. 'You are such an annoying person Kate.'I sent a rude text yet i know she won't take it wrongly. 'Meet me at Cafe by 9.' She texted in a serious tone. ' Ok but I have a date with Nicki at 10. So be quick.' I sent her a quick text informing her of my plans. 'Hey hey , calm your hormones I won't take much of your time. You go be with your Nicki fully then.' She texted a text full of tease, wink and laughter emoji. She is funny at times. Today gives me good vibes. It has to be a good day that's all I want.

I settled myself in the cafe casually glancing at the menu list as I notice Kate entering. So I waved my hand in order to grab her attention. 'Hi , so what's so urgent?' I blurted at her as she looked pissed off. 'What do you mean, What's urgent? What's not urgent? You were supposed to be with Nicki? You broke off with her?' She snapped at her as if I snatched something precious of hers. I said nothing , I tried suppress my laughter as I continue to fix the glass of water which was within the grip of my hand and I continue to listen to my friend frustration over MY supposed breakup. 'What??Will you please do me the honour of speaking? What went wrong?' She let out a frustrated sign at my silence. 'Kate ..actually We have not breakup.' I said purposely stammering as I let out a chuckle to which she playfully hit my arms with a book of hers. 'Stop...! It hurts!' I whined as she continues to hit me.' Why should I? You troubled me.' She said in a hurtful tone. 

'Oh excuse me, you decide it on your own that we broke up. It was not me.' I said acting clueless , giving her a innocence look to which we both burst into laughter. 'So stupid , what do you think i will make out of if you tell me you spend your birthday without your love?' She said calmly while trying to comprehend the situation in a better way. 'Well, she had project work. She was with friends. I was out waiting for her then something happened which i am still figuring out whether to disclose to her or not! ' I said letting go of what reside within me to Kate clearly maybe talking with someone will helps. She gave me a confused look to which i decide to explain her clearly. 

'Kate? Will you keep a secret for me?' I asked in an unsure tone while asking for her assurance. 'Of course stupid, just share it you will feel better. Come on. I will never disclose it to anyone. Promise.' She said with a genuine tone as i looked at my friend who has always being there and who was tensed for my relationship as much as I am and it was cute. Kate has always being a supporter for our relationship, she thinks Nicki and I looks cute together so she dig at us,  so it will be unfair to not share this with her. 'I'm messing up Kate and I am damn scared. Don't hate me. ' I inhaled deeply as i continue. She looked on at me as she held my hand within hers encouraging me to let go of everything and I did so.

' Kate, I met a guy named Ryan months ago. At first I had hate vibes with him. Then as i started to get familiar with him, i start to feel his personality like Nicki. He is same...same attitude..same way of talking everything. I start to get used to him , just for his personality. I start to lean on him more and more as time go on. He is like my best friend.' I let go half of my secret as I feel her signaling me to continue. 'So you love him?' She blurt out. 'No , We never kissed. We did hold hands, hug but i don't feel the way Nicki make me feel. Its like no matter how Nicki treats me I feel loved and wanted by her itself but I care about Ryan too. And I tried distanced myself from him for my relationship sake but Kate I found another reason to stick to him. I am clear about my feeling. He is a good friend and I want to be there for him like he is always but ...you know Nicki will not get this. She will leave me if she knows.' I said as tears start to dwell in my eyes. Kate looked as tensed as me. 'Well i got it. You got a friend , whose personality is like Nicki and you care for him yet not in a romantic way and you feel that Nicki will not trust you on this?' She basically repeat everything I shared with her by summarizing it in her way.  I nodded my head to which she engulfed me in a friendly hug. 'It's going to be ok. We will find a way out.' Kate whispered to me slowly. Frankly speaking I did felt much better at least I was not burdening up myself more.

Kate glanced at her watch and she remind me of Nicki's date time. 'Better hurried and go , you can't afford make your baby get angry with you.' She teased me with her over dramatic tone stretched on the word 'baby'.  I nodded my head positively while being slightly embarrassed. And as I began to walked away she interrupted my exit. 'What is the reason you are holding onto Ryan? You didn't share this?' She asked out of curiosity. 'He is in depression and he has suicidal thoughts frequently and he is leaning on me as a friend.' As i enlightened her on this side, all become to make more sense for her too. ' We will find a way out. Relax' She said in a confident tone which gave me a little more hope.

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