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"What did you tell her, Styles?" Niall snarls at Harry

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"What did you tell her, Styles?" Niall snarls at Harry.

"I haven't told her anything," Harry snaps. "Leave her alone, she knows nothing."

"Then why have we seen her with you so much?" Louis sneers.

"I was doing her a favor," Harry replies.

"Alec is wondering about you." Niall says. "You didn't show up last night."

"I couldn't. I was busy."

"Enough excuses. You either show up tomorrow night, or you're out," Louis snaps. "Get your shit together, or she's in trouble." Louis points to me and I widen my eyes.

"She has nothing to do with this," Harry says. He must be freezing in only his t-shirt. I see more tattoos that dot his arms in the dim light. "I barely even know her. Leave her out of this."

"She knows more than you think she does," Niall says.

"What the hell do you mean?" Harry's shoulders tense.

"She saw you talking to Alec last week," Niall goes on. "She followed you."

Harry looks to me and I shrink back against the wall. His gazes burns like fire.

"It doesn't matter," Harry says, looking back at Niall. "Leave her alone. She barely knows her way around Portland."

"Fine," Louis snaps. "But if Alec finds out she knows anything, you're both in deep shit." He nods to Niall and the two walk away, sending Harry a final glare. They disappear into an alley, leaving only Harry and I.

I stay against the wall, processing what just happened. My head pounds and my breath falls rapidly.

Harry stares at the ground a few seconds, the wind blowing harshly. He chews on his lip, as if debating something.

Why did he stand up for me? How did he even know where I was? Who are those guys, and what do they want?

Harry finally snaps up, walking back to his car. "Get in." He says coldly.

I don't argue as I hurry to the passenger side. The warmth from the car engulfs me as I lean back in the leather seats.

"Did they hurt you?" Harry asks as we drive.

I shake my head no. I know he's mad about me following him the other day, and I can't say I blame him. I would be furious if our roles were reversed.

"Are you all right?" He asks.

I nod.

"Are you going to talk?"

I swallow, my throat dry. I don't know what to say to him, I've never experienced an encounter quite like that in my life.

Harry matches my silence as we drive along the empty streets. My heart pounds loudly, still recovering from former events.

Harry sighs. "Why did you follow me that day?" His voice is oddly calm and contained as he breaks the steady silence.

I look at my lap. "I don't know," Isay. "You left in such a hurry, I-"

"You are not to follow me ever again, do you understand?" His tone quickly turns venomous.

"I'm sorry," I whisper.

Harry exhales slowly. He drums his fingers on the steering wheel and takes his bottom lip between his teeth. I can practically see his mind racing.

I chew on my lip. "Thank you," I say quietly. "For showing up."

Harry nods.

"How did you know I was there?" I ask. I have so many questions for him, I don't even know where to start.

"I didn't," He says. "I was driving back to Crystal."


Harry takes an exasperated breath, eyes flicking over to me briefly. "I wanted to apologize," He says quietly. "For yelling at you earlier."

I blink. I've never heard Harry apologize before. "Oh."

"Yeah." He clears his throat. "So, sorry. For saying those things."

I nod. An awkward silence descends and I quickly break it.

"How did you know I was at Crystal?"

"You weren't home, so I figured."

"Oh," Harry turns a corner. The wind continues to whistle outside.

"Can ask you a question and will you be completely honest with me?" I ask Harry.

"All right," He says hesitantly.

"Am I in danger?" He pulls into the lot of our building, stopping in a parking space.

"If I'm being honest," He says. "Then you're not completely safe."

My breathing accelerates. My bottom lip trembles and I hold back tears. What would have happened to me if Harry hadn't shown up? If they saw Harry take me home, do they know where l live? What the hell have gotten into?

"Don't cry, Rose," Harry says, taking in my expression. His eyes soften as he reaches over the center console and touches my arm lightly. "I'll do what I can to make sure you're safe, all right?" His voice is soothing, much like it was the first day Aaron forgot me.

I nod and take a few shaky breaths.

Harry looks at me a moment longer before getting out of the car. I step out, too. He locks the car and we walk inside.

We stop in front of my door.

"Can ask you a question and will you be completely honest?" Harry asks.

I nod slowly.

"Did Aaron forget you again?"

I cross my arms over my chest, taking my bottom lip between my teeth. I look down. "Yes," I manage to say.

Harry doesn't answer. I have a feeling l know what he's thinking, I'm thinking the same thing.

I sigh and unlock my apartment. "I guess I'll see you at work," I say in a monotone.

Harry watches me, his eyes dilated slightly. He nods curtly and I shut the door.

My entire being aches to know what he's involved in and who those guys really are, I shower quickly and get into bed, pulling the comforter up to my chin.

Sleep evades me as l lay there, staring at the ceiling. What if they come for me now? What if they break in?

Hours pass and l'm wide awake.

Why do they even think Harry would tell me anything? What is there for him to tell? I want to know so badly, but at the same time I don't want to put myself in any danger.

I shoot up at every little noise. I know I'm being paranoid. I won't get any sleep this way.

Before I know what I'm doing, my feet carry me to Harry's door. I knock lightly, looking around me at the empty hall.

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