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"We need to act soon." Everyone nods their heads, agreeing with Liam's statement.

We're congregated in Harry's apartment again, leaning over the boys' work schedules with Wolfe for the next week. All their shifts are relatively around the same time for keeping guard outside of Ivory, and they all attend the same meetings.

It's been a week since Harry and my trip to the zoo, and we haven't spoken much. It wasn't as bad as after I told him I love him, but it hasn't been exactly comfortable.

"I think we need to tell Crystal," I say.

All eyes turn to me.

I straighten up. "Think about it. We've been putting this off for weeks, and we need to put something into action sooner or later."

Zayn nods. "Rose is right."

"Fine," Harry says. "We'll tell him tomorrow, then."

I swallow. "What if he doesn't believe us?"

"He will," Harry says.

"But how do you know? I mean, you said Alec is a convincing guy, and-"

Harry and Zayn exchange a look.

"She's not wrong," Louis pipes up.

"She's not," Zayn agrees.

"What's worse, what if he doesn't believe you and tells Alec about it?" Niall asks.

"That would be a nightmare," Liam says.

"We can't win," Harry says, throwing his hands into the air in exasperation. "Whatever we do, we can't fucking win!"

"We can't think like that," Niall says.

"Well, Niall, what do you propose we do? If Crystal doesn't believe us and tells Alec, we're as good as dead," Harry spits.


"Dead?" I ask. "Alec...Alec would-"

"I wouldn't put it past him." Zayn avoids my eye contact.

My fear of Alec is multiplied by one hundred.

"I think it's just a risk we have to take," Louis says. "We have to count on Crystal not telling, and believing us."

"Wait." Harry stops pacing and looks at me. "Rose. Rose is how he's going to believe us."

I furrow my brow. "Me?"

"That time, when I was in Crystal's office to argue about the budget cuts," Harry says. "You convinced him to side with me, he listened to you."

The memory slowly returns to my brain.

"You're the key," He says. "Crystal may not listen to me, or even Zayn, but he'll listen to you."

"I don't know," I say, shaking my head. "That was over budget cuts, this is over something much more serious."

"You've got to, Rose, you're our only hope," Harry says.

I sigh. If I mess this up, we could all me in gigantic trouble. But I have to, if we want this alliance to go anywhere.

"Okay," I say, nodding. "I'll do it."

A sigh of relief echoes through the apartment, from everyone but myself. I'm terrified Crystal won't believe me, or I'll say something I shouldn't.

Everyone leaves shortly after, Zayn, Harry and I agreeing we'll talk to Crystal during lunch hour tomorrow.

I'm the last to walk out of Harry's apartment.

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