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I look at Harry with confusion. "What?"

Harry crosses his arms over his chest. "In the organization, I work closest with Zayn, Louis, Niall, and Liam. It's been two years now, and there has been more than one time that we've thought of..." Harry clears his throat. "That we've thought of rebellion."

I blink. "Rebellion?"

"If we can turn on Alec, he might back down and let us go without a trace. We won't turn him in if he won't turn us in." Harry sighs. "But there's always one idiot that doesn't like the idea."


"Leigh-Anne." Harry rolls his eyes.

I look at my lap. "Why did you become involved with these people?" I ask.

Harry tenses. "I was at a shitty time in my life." He says. "And I had no choice."

My phone suddenly goes off, startling us both.

I bring the phone to my ear and answer. "Hello?"

"Rose! Rose, Rose, Rosalie," Aaron slurs on the other line.

"Aaron, are you drunk?" I ask, furrowing my brow.

"No, no I'm nooot," He says and then bursts into laughter.

"You told me you were at work."

"I always tell you I'm at work."


"So you've been lying to me?" I raise my voice and Harry looks at me confusedly.

"No, you've just been gullible," He says and I hang up, anger coursing through me.

My skin is hot with rage and I take calming breaths that really don't do much to calm me. All this time, he's been lying.


I look over at Harry. For a moment, I had forgotten he was there. His short statement broke my angry train of thought and I don't think I've ever been so grateful that Harry was next to me.

He pulls something out of his pocket and I almost laugh and cry at the same time when I find that it's a Snickers bar.

"Do you carry those everywhere?" I ask.

"Pretty much," He says, opening it and breaking off half for me. "They keep my stress levels down." He looks at me. "Unlike you."

I roll my eyes at him, stifling a laugh.

We eat our chocolate in silence, looking out at the city.

"What are you going to do?" Harry asks me.

I shrug. "I'm going to need to talk to him, that's for sure." I frown.

Harry looks at me for a moment longer before looking down and rising from the bench. "Lunch break's over in five," He says.

I nod and stand, following him down the stairs and back into the elevator. This is one of the only times Harry and I have had a civilized conversation-well, maybe the topic wasn't so civil, but at least we weren't insulting each other.

I'm dying to know why Harry began working for Alec, but I can't pry. I've pried so much already, and I know if I try to dig deeper now, Harry will only get mad. I don't blame him.

We walk back into our office complex, and I sit down at my desk. I notice I have a voicemail on my machine and pick up the phone.

I'm surprised to find it's from my mother.

"Hi, Rose. I'm just checking up on you, and I have something to ask you, so call me back. Bye."

I dial her number quickly and lean back in my chair.


"Hi. Mom. It's Rose. I got your call."

"Oh, hi, How are you, Rosie?"

"Fine," I say. "You?"

"All right, I suppose. Anyway, your...your father and I were wondering if you wanted to come up to New York this weekend to visit."

"Oh." I pause. " Is Elizabeth going to be there?"

"Yes...Elizabeth will be here."

"Mom, I don't-"

"Please, Rose. I know it's difficult, but your father and I would really like for you to come down, and your sister-"

"Doesn't give a shit about me," I finish for her. I feel Harry's eyes on my from his desk.

"You know that's not true, Rose," My mother says. "She loves you-"

"She hates me, everyone knows. Enough with the pretending."

My mother sighs. "Fine. If you don't want to come up just because your sister will be here, then fine."

I sigh, rubbing my temples. "All right," I say. "Fine."

I can practically hear my mother's smirk. "Wonderful. We'll see you this weekend. Love you."

The line goes dead.

I hang up and put my head in my hands. Why on Earth did I agree to that?

How am I going to face my sister? I haven't seen her since...well, since the incident.

I feel like a thousand tons of dread has descended upon my shoulders.


I look up and lock eyes with Harry.

His eyes are filled with concern, something I rarely see in him. I wave him off and look back down at the polished wood of my desk. I don't feel like dealing with anyone when it comes to my family.

Four o'clock comes around and I gather my things to leave.

"Rose." I look up to see Mr. Greenman leaning against the doorframe of his office.

"Can I speak with you for a moment?"

I nod and walk up to him. "Is there something wrong?"

"No, not at all," He says. "I just noticed that you seemed a little distracted today. Is everything all right?"

I nod quickly. "Yeah, just fine. I'm sorry, I just haven't had much sleep."

"Of course. I'm no stranger to insomnia myself. I just wanted to make sure nothing was wrong." He gives me a friendly smile.

"Thank you," I say. I'm glad Mr. Greenman is such a kind and compassionate boss.

"See you tomorrow," He says with a smile before turning and reentering his office.

I make my way out of the complex and out into the parking lot, my coat draped over my arm. My hair falls in its usual waves, but I know they're slightly disheveled from my fingers running through them again and again.

I fumble for my keys in my bag and almost scream when I look up to see Harry leaning against my car.

"Jesus, don't do that," I say, pressing my palm to my chest as Harry smiles.

"Sorry," He says and I look back into my bag, continuing to look for my keys. He tilts his head to the side. "Are you okay?" He asks.

The question is so out of character for Harry that I almost do a double take. "Uh, yeah," I say. "Yeah."

"Who called you?"

It's such a switch for Harry to be asking the questions and me to be guarded about them. "What does it matter?" I say exasperatedly.

Harry raises an eyebrow. "Look, it was just a question, Rosalie," He says defensively.

"Well, you shouldn't care," I snap.

"What's going on with you?" He asks.

"What's going on with you?" I rebut.

Harry narrows his eyes at me before turning on his heel and stalking off to his car across the lot.

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