Chapter 1: Carrying the Banner

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"Madie, Madie, get up."

I opened my eyes, hearing Jack yelling at me to get up. "What?" I ask, tired.

"Time to go," he says.

"Time to carry the banner," I say, getting up.

Man, the city is beautiful this early in the morning from this high up. I smile a little and follow Jack down the fire escape into the little room in the Lodging house.

"Hey, that's my cigar."

"You'll steal another."

"Hey, look, it's bath time at the zoo."

"I thought that I'd surprise my muddah."

"If you can find her."

"Who asked you?"

Oh great, the morning arguments have already started. The boys are all running around, starting to get ready, and I join them. "Try bottle ally or da harbor. There's easy pickins guaranteed."

"Try any banker bum or barber. They almost all knows how to read."

A few of the boys throw out random ideas of places to sell, trying to help each other out. Hey, Newsies gotta stick together.

"It's a crooked game we're playing one we'll never lose," Jack says.

I playfully hit him, saying, "long as suckers don't mind payin, just to get bad news."

We smile, and he laughs a little at our antics. We all continue to get ready, and the boys keep talking with one another about carrying the banner. Most of the boys finish getting ready, and I grab my hat, placing it on my head, and I run after them, heading outside. As soon as they get outside, they all spread out and start goofing off.

I see a few boys around Crutchie, and I hear them talking. "So Crutchie, what's you're leg say? Gunna rain?"

"Ah, partly cloudy clear by evening," Crutchie responds. I shake my head at their antics but let them continue their random conversation.

They finish their conversation, and we head off down towards the distribution center. We run into the nuns from the church, and they hand us some food and drinks, which we gladly take. I hear a few of the boys complain about things in life. We eat a little and then head to the Distribution Center.

"Hey, what do we got here?" One of the newsboys calls out, seeing some of our least favorite people in the world.

"What is that unpleasant aroma?" Race asks, getting all of our attention. "I fear the sewers may have backed up again."

"Or is it..." I prompt, looking at all the boys around me.

"The Delancy brudders."

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