Chapter 15: I Broke A Promise

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With Spot carrying me and Jack leading us all, we got to the lodging house without running into problems. Jack runs upstairs with all the boys except for Spot, who lays me down downstairs on the couch. He tries making me comfortable and starts looking over my injuries.

"Why did he do this to you?" Spot asks quietly, gently placing his hand on a cut on my arm.

"I broke a promise," I say, just as quiet.

"What was it?" He asks me again, knowing my past better than most.

"I promised him I would find Jack and bring him back to the refuge for good," I say, looking away from him in shame.

"Why didn't you?" He asks me, realizing the weight of what I did.

"I could never do that to Jack, or any of the boys for that matter. They're my family, not that man I once knew," I say, finally looking back up at Spot.

Spot smiles, and Jack runs down the stairs with Specs, Romeo, Race, and Davey. They come over to me, and Jack looks me over as Spot did. "That man deserves whatever is comin for him," Jack says under his breath.

The boys start trying to help me by wrapping up my injuries and cleaning up my cuts. After a little bit, they get me good enough. Lastly, they wrap up my ankle, so it doesn't hurt as bad.

"Come on, you need ta try and rest," Jack tells me gently.

Spot picks me up once again and carries me upstairs into the dark room. He sets me on my bed and helps me get comfortable. Jack goes up to his penthouse, and Spot lays on Jack's bed next to me. Specs, Romeo, Davey, and Race head off to their beds, Davey sleeping on an empty one for the night. I smile a little, knowing I'm safe with these boys. I slowly fall into a land of sleep where I dream of the first time I met the boys.

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